Liminal Phrames
Liminal Phrames
Liminal Phrames
Liminal Phrames is a podcast dedicated to the exploration of the meaning-making models we form around UFOs, contact with non-human intelligence, and paranormal experience. Not only do experiences with the UFO Phenomenon and high strangeness challenge conventional notions of reality, but they force us to venture into new territory altogether, pioneering a new framing of the real with blurred lines and indistinct categories. Hard answers may be hard to come by here, but on Liminal Phrames, Darren King (ExoAcademian) and Nathan are fully invested in asking these most intriguing of questions.
056 - Meaning, Time & Synchronicity
In this episode of Liminal Phrames, Darren/Exo and Nathan discuss the rolling out of controlled disclosure, and then dive headfirst into the nature and meaning of synchronicity, including having Darren unpack his recent experience with a mind-bending synchronicity storm.
Jun 1
1 hr 30 min
055 - Navigating an Evolving Realityscape
In this episode of Liminal Phrames, Darren/Exo and Nathan parse out the many recent developments pertaining to UAP disclosure, while also discussing how existing worldviews determine not only how certain claims are regarded, but even the questions people are willing to entertain.
May 18
1 hr 29 min
054 - The Rabbit-holing of Reality
In this episode Darren/Exo and Nathan explore a spectrum of disruptive truths that undergird the modern (and ancient) UFO Phenomenon. What are these increasingly difficult to metabolize revelations, and what do they suggest about the ultimate nature of reality itself?
May 4
1 hr 32 min
053 - Embracing the Complex Unknown
In this episode Darren/Exo and Nathan discuss recent events on Capital Hill pertaining to disclosure, and then delve into the rich and multifaceted (but sometimes disorienting) complexity present in what is colloquially referred to as "the Phenomenon".
Apr 20
1 hr 31 min
052 - Degrees of Disclosure
In this episode, Darren/Exo and Nathan unpack controlled vs. catastrophic disclosure, and consider how various institutions, cultures, and the notion of government itself would be changed and/or challenged altogether under various degrees of disclosure.
Apr 6
1 hr 28 min
051 - Mass Sightings & Collective Consciousness
In this episode, Darren/Exo and Nathan touch on recent disclosure events, and then delve into three key mass sightings from relatively recent human history: the Miracle at Fatima, the Ariel School incident, and the Phoenix Lights.
Mar 23
1 hr 29 min
050 - Awakening Within the Dream
In this episode, Darren/Exo and Nathan take a deep dive into Bernardo Kastrup's Meaning in Absurdity, a book that offers a compellingly fresh take not just on the high strangeness associated with UFOs and faerie lore, but on the ultimate nature of reality itself.
Mar 9
1 hr 36 min
049 - Tracing the Origins of UFO Intelligence
In this episode Darren/Exo and Nathan outline the various hypotheses put forward to explain the UFO Phenomenon, and delve deeply into Vallée and Davis' "Incommensurability, Orthodoxy and the Physics of High Strangeness" paper.
Feb 24
1 hr 36 min
048 - Engaging with the Unknown
In this episode Darren/Exo and Nathan discuss the larger opportunities coming online, including revelations that speak not just to the reality of non-human intelligence in our midst, but to an eclipsing way of seeing who we are and how we play a participatory role in a complex, always unfolding and intrinsically conscious reality.
Feb 10
1 hr 28 min
047 - The Potential for Transformation
In this episode Darren/Exo and Nathan catch up on recent governmental engagement with the UFO Phenomenon, while asking larger questions about the overarching potential this moment of deconstruction represents.
Jan 27
1 hr 33 min
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