Like It Is Podcast Podcast

Like It Is Podcast

Like It Is
Welcome to the Like It Is Podcast website – a place where we always keep it real, talk without filters, and tell it like it is. Each week, you’ll have an exclusive invite into our girl talks where we dive deep into our favorite reality show franchise on TV – The Bachelor/Bachelorette/Bachelor In Paradise – while also trying to figure out how to do this whole “relationship thing” ourselves. And believe us, we’re not experts! But, we have all the opinions…
Fantasy Suites
Sasha and Miranda discuss Monday's episode, Becca's decision to let Jason go and what we see happening in tonight's Men Tell All and next week's finale episode!
Jul 30, 2018
34 min
The Final Four
It's Hometowns week and we're recapping everything you needed to know about the final four men left + the last minute drama that left us saying goodbye to Colton. Be sure to listen in!
Jul 22, 2018
44 min
Who Let the Dawgs Out?
The Bach-Gang ventured south to the Bahamas where there was a lot of conch-talk and that's about it in the conversation department... Although, the 90's one-hit wonders - The Baha Men - made an appearance, which made all viewing worthwhile. We have lots to say about Colton's virgin announcement, the Bach-franchise's mojo, and our thoughts on the final four. Don't miss out and let us know what you think by connecting with us on Instagram (@Likeitispodcast), Twitter (@Likeitispodcast), and our website ( You can also join our Facebook Group to keep all of our content tidy in one place ( See ya! -S,M,S xoxo
Jul 15, 2018
1 hr 12 min
Completely Off Topic...
So, sometimes you follow an agenda... and sometimes you stray so far away from it that you have to name your podcast, "completely off topic..."! Sasha left Steph and Miranda alone at the mic this week, so things got a little wild! We had a lot to say this Sunday evening - lots of Bachelor Nation talk, but also lots of side convos. (We even had side convos within our side convos!) Either way, it was a great time that you shouldn't miss out on! Tune in and let us know what you think in the comments! You can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter! Much love, betches. M&S
Jun 25, 2018
1 hr
Blake, Boogers, Badassy
There were tears (yes, already...), ice baths, children yelling "TRASH!" and Lil' Jon... Needless to say, we had a lot to chat about this episode. Plus, we talk about what the "real" tough questions should be... Don't miss out, don't be lame, and start listening! Toodles. xoxo M,S, & S
Jun 10, 2018
49 min
Cheers to you being a bitch
As you can tell from the title of this podcast, we're a BIG fan of Jordan from Becca's lineup of men on The Bachelorette! However, we're NOT a fan of him with Becca... Hear all about that and all of our other first night opinions on our first episode of Season 3! Who did we like? Who did we hate? Predictions? Side bar conversations about Snap Chat face surgery, wine alcohol content, and "ultimadiums" ... you'll get it once you listen. Enjoy, babes!
May 31, 2018
1 hr 12 min
Episode 206 - Bring on the Men
Becca's men for her Bachelorette season have been announced, and we're giving you our Top 5 favs. We also dish on some of the guys that give us that "squirm" feeling.
May 20, 2018
48 min
205 - Dating Shows 101
This "off season" has us thinking about all of the dating shows we've enjoyed throughout our lives, so we chat about some current ones, old ones, and cringe-worthy ones... Which ones make sense? Which ones were entertaining, but dumb? We have ALL the opinions... Take a listen!
May 6, 2018
38 min
204 - It's Gonna Be May
Anyone else only hear JT's voice when you read the title of our podcast? US TOO. This week, we chat about reigniting the flame within relationships, how dating compares to interviewing for a job, getting Sasha's mojo back, and Becca's upcoming Bachelorette season! Tune in and let us know what you think!
Apr 29, 2018
43 min
Episode 203 - Do. Not. Settle.
We're sitting down with our friend, Alysce, to talk relationships, dating and how to not settle. Alysce is a hairstyle and beauty guru, girl boss, and our first ever podcast guest! We're deep diving into the dating world and what it takes to find the right man without losing yourself in the process.
Apr 22, 2018
53 min
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