Lift the Mask - Voices of Heroes in the Silent Pandemic
Lift the Mask - Voices of Heroes in the Silent Pandemic
The Quell Foundation
via Podcasts
Powerful show!
The stories of inpatient care providers and THEIR journeys through their mental health struggles and successes is inspiring for other healthcare workers!
Tom PharmD
Thank You
Thank You for listening to and elevating our voices. We survive this pandemic by taking care of each other. Thank You.
Amplifies frontline hero voices is critical to recovering from this crisis
Great podcast—caught the first episode with Miriam and Dr. Santopietro. So important to cover the front line perspective and how this impacts mental health—but what was most refreshing was how vulnerability, transparency, listening and relationships can help with healing in this space. Hearing directly from these frontline heroes and amplifying their voices is critical to our recovery from this crisis.
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Kritikal Critic