Life's Reality with Zach Robbins Podcast

Life's Reality with Zach Robbins

Zach Robbins
Hi everyone! I'm Zach and I am so excited to bring to you Life's Reality. I have wanted to do a podcast FOREVER, and now is the time! Throughout this podcast, I will discuss various topics such as social, political, and personal issues we encounter in our day-to-day life.
the reality of growing up
this week we take a look into the aspects of change and how we embrace them. we go through so much change while growing up and it makes us who we are.
Aug 12, 2022
22 min
the reality of friendship
hey guys, this week we're talking about the hardships of friendship. its good to have friends you care about, but when is it okay to take time with ourselves and value our alone time?
Aug 3, 2022
23 min
the reality of the american education system
this week we are going to look into my experiences applying to colleges both in california and out of state. we will also talk about advice for incoming seniors applying to colleges!
Jul 28, 2022
22 min
welcome to life's reality
hi everyone! my name is zach robbins and i am so excited to bring to you life's reality. i have wanted to do a podcast FOREVER, and now is the time!
Jul 16, 2022
3 min