Lifechurch Podcast


Real | Life | Faith
12.31.06 - Andy Raatz - Missionary to Moldova
Andy Raatz Missionary to Moldova
Dec 31, 2006
35 min
12.24.06 - Pastor Ron - Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve Serivce Pastor Ron Roberts
Dec 24, 2006
27 min
12.17.06 - Grant Hill - The Gift of Worship
The Gift of Worship Grant Hill 1 Chronicles 16:28-29 why we worship: To minister to the Lord why we worship: To experience the authentic presence of God why we worship: To usher in true repentance why we worship: To release the manifestation(s) of Holy Spirit
Dec 17, 2006
33 min
12.10.06 - Pastor Ron - The Joy of Pressing On
The joy of pressing on Philippians 3:7-16 Like Zechariah: Press on when you don't understand Like Mary: Press on when you are mysifed by events Like Joseph: Press on when you really want to quit actions: Forget your personal accomlishments and trust God's righteousness actions: don't let your problems shackles for pressing on
Dec 10, 2006
44 min
11.26.06 – Pastor Ron Roberts – Joy Builders
Joy Builders Philippians 2:19-30 1. being ________ not ________ 2. genuinely _________ for others 3. ________ to be a servant 4. coming _________ 5. putting the _________ of others first 6. should be treated with: _________ and _________
Nov 26, 2006
43 min
11.19.06 - Readiness - Put it on the line
Readiness Put It on the Line Philippians 2:12-18 God works _________ – I work _________ My fear and trembling prevent _________ God Signs I am getting it right: 1. I don’t ________ about serving Him 2. I set a good ________ of pure and faultless living 3. I ________ my faith Being ‘poured out’ means being _________ by His will for my life _________ no matter what happens
Nov 19, 2006
41 min
11.12.06 - Readiness - Bound Together
Readiness Bound Together Philippians 2:1-11 1. There is Joy in ________ Barriers: a. ________ b. ________ 2. There is joy from ¬¬________ 3. There is joy from His ________ a. God who became _______ b. God who ________ Himself c. God who was _______ d. God who _______ e. God who is ________
Nov 12, 2006
1 hr
"Tough Times" - Boot Camp - 11/05/06
Boot Camp Tough Times Phillippians 1:27-30 1. Be _________ 2. Be _________ 3. Be _________ 4. Be _________ 5. Be _________
Nov 7, 2006
39 min
Sunday 10.29.06 - Duane Parrish
Oct 29, 2006
54 min
10.22.06 - Steve Ekholm - The Passion of the Christ towards children
Steve Ekholm The Passion of the Christ towards children Mark 10:13-16 "whoever welcomes one of these little ones in my name welcomes me." -mark 9:37 1. The passopn of ___ _________ towards children Reflection: Parents, are you enthusiastic about attaching your children to Jesus? Are you passionate about the responsibility to disciple your children? 2. The passion of ___ _________ towards children Reflection: How is your attitude towards children? Are you one who welcomes children, or hinders them? 3. The passion of ________ towards children Reflection: Are you willing to make children's ministry a priority?
Oct 22, 2006
1 hr 1 min
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