The Gift of Worship
Grant Hill
1 Chronicles 16:28-29
why we worship: To minister to the Lord
why we worship: To experience the authentic presence of God
why we worship: To usher in true repentance
why we worship: To release the manifestation(s) of Holy Spirit
Dec 17, 2006
33 min

The joy of pressing on
Philippians 3:7-16
Like Zechariah:
Press on when you don't understand
Like Mary:
Press on when you are mysifed by events
Like Joseph:
Press on when you really want to quit
Forget your personal accomlishments and trust God's righteousness
don't let your problems shackles for pressing on
Dec 10, 2006
44 min

Joy Builders
Philippians 2:19-30
1. being ________ not ________
2. genuinely _________ for others
3. ________ to be a servant
4. coming _________
5. putting the _________ of others first
6. should be treated with:
_________ and _________
Nov 26, 2006
43 min

Put It on the Line
Philippians 2:12-18
God works _________ – I work _________
My fear and trembling prevent _________ God
Signs I am getting it right:
1. I don’t ________ about serving Him
2. I set a good ________ of pure and faultless living
3. I ________ my faith
Being ‘poured out’ means being _________ by His will for my life
_________ no matter what happens
Nov 19, 2006
41 min

Bound Together
Philippians 2:1-11
1. There is Joy in ________
a. ________
b. ________
2. There is joy from ¬¬________
3. There is joy from His ________
a. God who became _______
b. God who ________ Himself
c. God who was _______
d. God who _______
e. God who is ________
Nov 12, 2006
1 hr

Boot Camp
Tough Times
Phillippians 1:27-30
1. Be _________
2. Be _________
3. Be _________
4. Be _________
5. Be _________
Nov 7, 2006
39 min

Steve Ekholm
The Passion of the Christ towards children
Mark 10:13-16
"whoever welcomes one of these little ones in my name welcomes me."
-mark 9:37
1. The passopn of ___ _________ towards children
Parents, are you enthusiastic about attaching your children to Jesus?
Are you passionate about the responsibility to disciple your children?
2. The passion of ___ _________ towards children
How is your attitude towards children?
Are you one who welcomes children, or hinders them?
3. The passion of ________ towards children
Are you willing to make children's ministry a priority?
Oct 22, 2006
1 hr 1 min
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