How often do we sit and wonder… what’s my purpose? And we completely forget our time here is “really” about us, it’s all about God. Yes, I love Him for giving me life and sustaining my life for the opportunity to enjoy life on this earth, but it’s still all about Him. Seek God first and put God first in all things… and watch how life in Him really can be. Scripture : Matthew 6:33
Mar 23, 2023
7 min

We go throughout our lives and days sometimes on autopilot because it’s just the norm for some of the things we do. But how do we live a purposeful life ? Are we living a life on purpose? Or are we on autopilot? Ultimately, there are numerous ways we can live a purposeful life but God is the main source. Blessings, love and light.
Mar 6, 2023
11 min

Sometimes we get ahead of ourselves and want what we want when we want it. Often too many times we fail to wait on God and we can find ourselves in situations we could have avoided… had we waited on Him.
Feb 26, 2023
10 min

God knows the plans He has for you (Jeremiah 29:11). We have to get out of our own away and not allow doubt, fear or failure to stop us from doing what God has called us to do. No one is stopping you but you… allow God to lead and direct your path. Peace and blessings
Jan 23, 2023
7 min

Learning to master our emotions at all times while knowing t the key components of emotions. Also, not rushing through life but taking it day by day and living in the now.
Jan 16, 2023
15 min

Dear black girl… own the woman who you are. Speak life into your circumstances and all of your seasons
Jan 8, 2023
11 min

Happy New Year. Let’s walk in what God has for us in 2023. Scripture: II Corinthians 5:17
Jan 1, 2023
10 min