Does a professional sports coach need to have played the sport they are coaching? Or does your neighbor make a million dollars before they start giving you financial advice? Should the unsolicited opinions and advice from people who have no experience or expertise doing what you're trying to do matter.
At a recent social gathering, Life, Lemons & LemonDrops hosts Greer and Whitnie were peppered with questions about the podcast then offered unsolicited advice, from non-listeners, on what direction the show should take in the future. The conversation, while interesting, was simultaneously off-putting.
You've been there. You're trying to accomplish something, and maybe it's completing your education, starting a business, or getting your health in order when someone who has never done what you are doing starts telling you the path to success.
How much should other people's opinions factor into your decisions and actions, and how should you respond to the advice of others?
In this episode of Life, Lemons and LemonDrops, Greer and Whitnie explore those questions and others, along with some general rules we live by on when to take advice and how to graciously (and kindly) move forward.
#advice #opinions #kind
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Jan 28, 2022
50 min
In this second episode on the topic of niceness v. kindness, Greer and Whitnie discuss the application in your work. Does being nice get you what you want or does your attempt to stay comfortable keep you in a perpetual state of stress?
Being kind is the better route because being kind is about being helpful in the situation rather than trying to avoid being uncomfortable. You may have to ruffle some feathers to maintain your boundaries or to get the outcome you seek. You have to decide what behaviors you are willing to accept and which don't serve you.
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Jan 21, 2022
44 min
Did you know there is a difference between being nice and kind? Is one better than the other? And why does it matter?
In this episode of Life, Lemons & LemonDrops, Greer and Whitnie begin a multi-part series exploring what it means to be nice and/or kind and how to start moving from being a people pleaser and avoiding difficult situations to someone helpful to others.
Here is the link to the Huffington Post article mentioned.
If you are having challenges being who you want to be, whether it's nice, kind, confident, etc., book a session today with Whitnie to help you remove the blocks that keep you from being who you want to be.
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Jan 14, 2022
30 min
Happy New Year!!
What's on your agenda this year for the first time or new for you? In this first episode of the new year and Season 3, Greer and Whitnie explore the benefits of doing new things or things in a new way.
It's vital that now and again, you bring newness into your life to experience a sense of accomplishment, expand your network, and more. After listening, share a story of something you did for the first time and how you learned something or grew from the experience at LemonDrops.
Or, if you need help stepping out of your comfort zone and want to get unstuck so you can do something new, whether in your personal or professional life, book a strategy session today.
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Jan 7, 2022
59 min
In this Bonus Episode, Greer and Whitnie recall the lives of some notable figures we lost during 2021 and what they meant to us. Sharing memories of their contributions and how we can learn from their examples makes their loss easier to accept and celebrate.
News broke soon after recording this bonus episode that comedian Betty White passed away. She was a couple of weeks shy of her 100th birthday.
Here are a few Betty quotes we thought you might find interesting.
On humor: "For me, humor is about rhythm. It's like an ear for music. It's hard to explain."
Passion: "I think everybody needs a passion. Whether it's one passion or a hundred, that's what keeps life interesting...I can't imagine living any other way."
On aging: "Somewhere along the line there is a breaking point, where you go from not discussing how old you are to bragging about it."
Regrets: "I have no regrets at all. None. I consider myself to be the luckiest old broad on two feet."
Having children: "Barbara Walters once asked me if I ever had desired to have a child. The answer is, I never did think about it."
Here we give Betty the final word on grief: "There's no formula. Keep busy with your work and your life. You can't become a professional mourner. It doesn't help you or others. Keep the person in your heart all the time. Replay the good times. Be grateful for the years you had."
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Dec 31, 2021
25 min
As LemonDrops hosts Greer and Whitnie wrap up 2021 and plan ahead for 2022, they recall significant events and lessons learned over the past 365 days. Join the conversation as we talk about the process of planning, purpose, and progress. With big wins under their belts and more goals just around the corner, The LemonDrops Sisters invite you to share in their journeys as you map out your own.
If you are looking for inspiration to develop your own Word or Theme of the Year, explore this list or check Pinterest for others.
To read Whitnie's article outlining how to create the best year of your life, check it out here.
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Dec 31, 2021
1 hr 9 min
Companies, which are just entities run by people, make mistakes. Mistakes in how they treat people and in how they communicate those actions. In this episode of Life, Lemons & LemonDrops, Greer and Whitnie explore how two companies recently handled or mishandled firing employees, just in time for the holidays.
Could they have done it better? Should they have done it at all? Hindsight is 20/20, but it is what we have to work with and of course discussing it helps you learn lessons you can apply in your life and maybe keep you from making similar mistakes, in your business, career or relationships.
You are invited to share your thoughts in a voice message and maybe have them included in a future episode. You can also share in our Life, Lemons & LemonDrops Facebook group.
If you need help crafting corporate communications messages or leadership training, contact Greer or Whitnie, respectively to discuss how they can be of assistance.
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Dec 24, 2021
1 hr 2 min
Sometimes admitting mistakes and moving forward requires more than just accepting the facts, it requires introspection and personal responsibility. In this episode of Life, Lemons & LemonDrops, Greer and Whitnie explore the reasons people make excuses and steps to take to break the cycle of blame and denial.
Listen, like and share this episode and learn ways to have your opinions included in the show. Visit the LifeLemonsLemonDrops website.
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Dec 17, 2021
57 min
Tony Robbins says, "Change happens when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change." Whether you've thought about it that way or not, it's a truism.
In this episode of Life, Lemons & LemonDrops, Whitnie discusses the concept of change and how changing your thinking changes your future. Once you understand that now is all there is, everything starts with a thought, AND you can change your thoughts, you'll have the power to create the future you want.
One of the tools Whitnie mentioned for helping you understand the cost of staying the same is the Robbins' Dicken's Process. Here are a couple of links to help you understand and explore using the process to address areas you want to change.
Tim Ferris article explains why he found this process helping in making change.
Tony Robbins walks you through the process.
For more help in making changes in your life, book a strategy session with Whitnie.
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Dec 10, 2021
36 min
In this episode of Life, Lemons & LemonDrops, Greer and Whitnie discuss the importance of a personal brand and how to develop yours. Your brand is not what you decide but rather others' impressions of you. If you are not perceived the way you would like, it's time to make a change.
Check out J.T. O'Donnell's Inc. article, "In One Simple Sentence, Warren Buffet Explains the Power of Personal Brading," on Warren Buffet's take on the power of personal branding and how you can use it to improve your career success.
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Dec 3, 2021
56 min
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