Life Gave You Jiu-Jitsu Podcast Podcast

Life Gave You Jiu-Jitsu Podcast

Carlos Urquijo
Podcast will contain self-help, motivation, testimonials, and any other useful tips or habits that can help someone with their own life. This podcast will have stories that come from people with jiu-jitsu background, why their life has changed and what has impacted greatly because of this form of martial art.
Episode 0 - What I Want To Give To You
This episode covers who I am and what I’d like to give to you in the upcoming episodes that I will create. That will be from motivation, inspiration or even self-development. In today’s episode, you’ll learn a little about me. Thank you for taking the time of day to listen. Each episode will be aired weekly on Monday 10 PM EST.
Jul 14, 2020
7 min