How do you respond when your talents aren't being appreciated? Or when your potential is going unseen? The way we handle seasons like this reveals whether or not we are ready for the "spotlight". Our time in the background, or "behind the scenes", is critical because this is where God does the secret work of pruning us and positioning our hearts to align with His will. That means, when it's time for us to shine, God is ready for what He's been doing in secret to be brought to light!Check out the Life at Peace Podcast channel!https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2WTUbi4LWVYcwB0mlqbeWA
Jan 17, 2024
20 min

Every now and then, our carefully crafted plans are upended because....life happens. Join me as I talk about what transpired in my absence and some of the big things coming in 2024!Check out the Life at Peace Podcast channel!https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2WTUbi4LWVYcwB0mlqbeWA
Jan 3, 2024
16 min

We LOVE to make idols! And we'll create them out of just about anything. Our tendency to do this stems from the fact that there is some area of our lives we have not surrendered control of for one reason or another. So the question to ponder during this episode is....what or who do I love more than God? Check out the Life at Peace Podcast channel!https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2WTUbi4LWVYcwB0mlqbeWA
Sep 27, 2023
15 min

The only constant in life is change. I'm sure we've all heard that before, but that doesn't make it any less surprising when change happens! Worse yet, change seems to come just when we've gotten comfortable with how life is going. It almost feels like God shakes things up sometimes to keep us on our toes. But, there's a spiritual principle behind change, and since we know that it's inevitable, maybe we should learn how to handle it instead of dreading it. Check out the Life at Peace Podcast channel!https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2WTUbi4LWVYcwB0mlqbeWA
Sep 13, 2023
23 min

The stories in the Old and New Testament are there to encourage us, challenge us, and show us the way God works and fights for His people. But have you thought about what He is doing today? What has God done for YOU specifically? When we study the Bible, it is easy to think that God was more present and even more powerful back then compared to now. But He's the same yesterday, today, and forever! So, the power He displayed in the lives of all our favorite Bible heroes is available to us now. This is why our testimonies are so powerful!Check out the Life at Peace Podcast channel!https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2WTUbi4LWVYcwB0mlqbeWA
Aug 30, 2023
11 min

When you were little, did you discover that you could get that toy or candy bar by throwing a little tantrum in the store? My answer to that is a resounding NO, because the first time I tried it, I was snatched up and silenced into obedience with the threat of a public spanking. As we get older, we learn (hopefully) that we have to control our emotions, because adult temper tantrums aren't cute. At work, showing too much emotion is unprofessional. In public, it's weird. At school, you're unstable. And in church....it might even be perceived as a lack of faith. At least, that's how I felt growing up.Check out the Life at Peace Podcast channel!https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2WTUbi4LWVYcwB0mlqbeWA
Aug 16, 2023
19 min

Imposter syndrome can show up anywhere, anytime, and affect anyone. Chances are, you've probably had a run-in with it at some point, regardless of how successful others perceived you to be. Because unfortunately, we are all susceptible to self-doubt and internalizing other people's opinions of us. When you feel like a fake, it's hard to find motivation to do what you do. The key to conquering this mental battle is to realize that imposter syndrome does not come from our Creator!Check out the Life at Peace Podcast channel!https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2WTUbi4LWVYcwB0mlqbeWA
Aug 2, 2023
18 min

From Sunday school, we are taught that God is big, all-powerful, all-knowing, and the Great Problem Solver. We get excited because we can't wait for Him to reveal Himself in a massive, undeniable, spectacular, supernatural way. But sometimes, God doesn't do that! There are moments when we have to look a little bit closer to see His hand at work. It is during those times when we may be tempted to ask, "God, where you at??" Tune in as I share a story from my most recent exercise in putting this to the test!Check out the Life at Peace Podcast channel!https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2WTUbi4LWVYcwB0mlqbeWA
Jul 19, 2023
18 min

At some point, we'll all be praised for something. Whether that's our skills, personality, or our ideas. So in those times, the question is, how do you handle praise? Do you soak it up? Do you get uncomfortable? How SHOULD we handle praise as believers? Well, you'll just have to tune in to find out!Check out the Life at Peace Podcast channel!https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2WTUbi4LWVYcwB0mlqbeWA
Apr 27, 2023
9 min

Have you ever looked around and judged people for not being "Christian enough"? Or, have you made this judgement about yourself? Though we are supposed to be on the same team, comparison between Christians remains a stumbling block for many in their individual walks with God. So what does it mean to "compare our Christianity", why do we do it, and how can we avoid it? Tune in to find out!Check out the Life at Peace Podcast channel!https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2WTUbi4LWVYcwB0mlqbeWA
Mar 29, 2023
17 min
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