This week whisk lickers Jenna and Ruth talk to Catherine Broomfield. Catherine’s work involves looking strategically at the future of farming. Her particular interest is grassland livestock farming and her work is informed by 20 plus years working with farmers and farmer organisations as well as her own grassroots experience as a beef and sheep farmer in East Devon. You can find out more about Catherine at: www.catherinebroomfield.com
Mar 12, 2021
1 hr 4 min

This episode, Jenna and Ruth talk about work on the farm, from unpaid household labour, to migrant workers and agrotech. They also discuss some of the barriers to accessing farming, before having a bit more of a wiffly chat about Covid-19 and the future. We hope you enjoy!
Feb 5, 2021
59 min

This week whisk lickers Ruth and Jenna dream small, discussing the alternatives to big industrial farming, and the barriers that prevent people setting up small scale farms.
Jul 18, 2020
32 min

In this episode of Licking the Whisk, Ruth and Jenna talk about...COVID-19! In particular, the recent call for a Land Army to feed the nation, and what that tells us about our food systems. If you have any feedback, please email us on [email protected]; we are also on Instagram @lickingthewhisk.
If you want to read more, see Ruth's blog at: bit.ly/NewLandArmy.
If you want to know more about Catalyse Change, see here: catalysechange.com/
May 4, 2020
31 min

Licking the Whisk is a podcast about food, farming and climate change. This week, whisk lickers Jenna and Ruth discuss the dairy industry, navigating around its complexities and understanding why making consumer choices around dairy can be so confusing.
Mar 5, 2020
30 min