Liberty Never Sleeps
Liberty Never Sleeps
Thomas Purcell
via Podcasts
Sir Barkis Maximus of Salem
News and events. Classic Americana and attitude worthy of freemen.
Count von baron
Great show!
Tom is a wealth of knowledge and a go to source to calm down from today’s psychotic news cycle. Excellent daily news program that is well packaged with robust information you can use to debate your liberal friends and family.
Dedicated listener
I started listening to the show almost a year ago and I'm hooked! He talks about a wide variety of things and keeps you interested. It's not your typical Sean Hannity podcast (love you Seany). He's very calm and collected and easy to listen to! It will also give you a more fact based defense for your next debate with a snowflake. Here is to offending people with the truth! Thanks for caring about society Tom!
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My new fave!
Straight up political analysis without the liberal bias. I love this show!
Truth hurts. Hurts so good.
Tom takes you through the day's events --twisting and turning through time, fusing history with modern day politics to substantiate the argument-- and not-so-subtly places you smack in front of a conclusion you would have never thought of even on your best day. Give it a listen and you'll soon be hooked on his enlightening, pleasantly abrasive and often "unpopular with the left" rhetoric. (I can't for the life of me understand why they don't like him. He's honest, hard-working, holds people accountable...weird.) And if you like to see Rosie O'Donnell get chewed out by someone who knows what they're doing, start to follow Tom's Twitter account too. Oh, and best to catch him on a day when he goes to the doctor or someone asks him for a charitable donation. Makes for our favorite kind of shows!
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