Liberated Being
Liberated Being
Brooke Thomas
via Podcasts
Awesome podcast!
Brooke, host of the Liberated Being podcast, highlights all aspects of self-imrpovement and more in this can’t miss podcast! The host and expert guests offer insightful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!
Thank you!
I just listened to episode 90 with Marika. Wow. So awesome to hear from a PT and her perspective on embodiment, pain, and family systems theory. I’ve been following since the liberated body days and I’m so grateful for this podcast and content - both personally and as a clinician (OT, Yoga). Thank you!
Bing worthy!!!
I'm really loving this podcast, I'm so glad Brooke brought it back recently after a 2 year break. This is a MUST LISTEN!!!!!!
Marisa J2
Thanks for bringing it back Brook.
Fascinating, inspiring and informative
Brooke's podcast is so fascinating and inspiring. She's a wonderful interviewer and always has interesting guests that cover all things health and wellness. Such a pleasure to listen to and learn from. Thank you Brooke!
Stacey Shapiro
Can’t get enough
The professionalism of this podcast is enhanced by its humor and humility. Brooke is a great curator of content, but she is an exceptional interviewer, which is uncommon (my main complaint with podcasts sharing content like this). She facilitates, keeps a focus, and asks direct questions, and then she steps back enough to let her guest share their knowledge and research. This podcast encourages the listener to question everything shx knows about the body, health, and movement. I now have an exciting reading list of books by experts showcased through these interviews. I’m always buzzing after I finish an episode and can’t wait to share what I’ve learned with someone else. Whether you’re a body nerd, a fascia-nista, or you have power to impact the movement habits of others, you will find something that challenges your relationship with your body and its relationship with the world around us in this amazing resource.
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Awesome Podcast
Brooke, host of Liberated Body Podcast, highlights all aspects of health, fitness and nutrition in this can't miss podcast. Brooke and expert guests offer insighful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!
Brooke Craven
Brooke Thomas is The Terry Gross of the Somatic Movement
Thank you so much to Brooke for putting together this revolutionary podcast. As an Alexander Technique teacher and Modern dancer I have always played in in the realm of Body/Mind Integration, but this podcast has helped get me outside my bubble. Brooke has introduction me to a broad community of thinkers. I feel inspired by the range of opinions and practices many bolstered by solid scientific research. I also really appreciate the podcast show notes, that allow me to follow up on intriguing bits.
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Thank You Brooke!!
I found Liberated Body through your other podcast with Vanessa, Bliss + Grit. You had mentioned Liberated Body a couple times on B+G and it took me a while to finally listen and that was only a few days ago and have been binge-listening ever since. I sincerely thank you for taking your time in getting all this information out to people. I am thinking about a career change into the 'bodywork world' and I couldn't have asked for a better way to get such great information on what could be a life changing experience for me and hopefully people I may help in the future. You are a fantastic energy and I have already recommended LB to so many family/friends. Can't wait to keep binging. Thank you Brooke!!!
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Excellent work app
Used to be much better
Quality dropped when she started taking more time with each episode. The older podcasts are much more successful.
Yoga teacher
Brooke does an amazing job with this podcast. It has fundamentally changed the way I teach and practice yoga: I can't think of any higher praise than that! Before listening, I was having many issues with injuries, following American exercise/yoga dogma. After listening and researching her suggestions, I now feel far more capable of practicing and offering yoga that truly benefits the body and mind. The podcast sessions interview great choices and go pretty deep. Thanks so much Brooke!
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An invaluable resource for bodyworkers
Contained in these podcasts are conversations straight from the experts and those on the front-lines of body research. Whether you're a yoga practitioner, a massage therapist, or an athlete; if you are at all in the buiness of living an embodied lifestyle, then these podcasts will certainly help you to understand and appreciate the wondrous terrain of your living tissue more. Brooke is funny, humble, and insightful in her interviews with some of the leading figures in manual therapy, exercise, research and movement practices.
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Jeremy from Legato Bodywork
Great Job Brooke Thomas!
I love this podcast. There’s so much more mystery to the body than the Mayo clinic, doctors say, my yoga teacher says, perfect dead lifting form says world of research based, performance outcome body awareness. Liberated Body explores this mystery with the most pioneering, the most interesting, the most soulful explorers in the game. Sublimely, we get to go along for the ride, and see how much more we really are.
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Some Rolfer Mover Dude
Brooke I love your calming tone, voice, and podcast style.
Life changing
Deep, thoughtful and fascinating; thank you for this work!
Body nerding
Brooke, thank you for bringing all this wonderful content to the public. I started listening a few months ago from episode 1 and I am always texting my body nerd friends that every episode is THE BEST episode. Keep rocking it. Balance in mind, body, spirit.
Sip Snack Sweat
Wonderful podcast
I wrote the Anatomy of Drumming and I'm really enjoying the research minded thought provoking interviews in this podcast!
Favorite Podcast for Body Nerds
Brooke always interviews the most interesting and cutting-edge thought leaders in the field of somatics. I always appreciate her insights, thoughtful questioning and willingness to stretch our current paradigms when it comes to the bodies we live in. As a yoga teacher, this is one of my go-to podcasts.
The Evolved Dog
Let's take a journey to the magical make-believe for body nerds
If there were a Fred Rogers award for podcasts, the Liberated Body would be nominated because of Brooke Thomas. In The Liberated Body neighborhood, she talks with each and every guest with genuine positive regard and curiosity. You, the listener are part of the conversation. You'll find yourself drawn in by new ideas, interesting people, and maybe find yourself having a little more curiosity about living in your body.
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Jane Neighborly
Love Liberated Body
I always look forward to a new season or podcast post from Liberated Body! It's a very polished and professionally organized podcast on which Brooke invites serious thought leaders from the movement world. Brooke asks them smart questions, often times making me smile because I’m holding my breath hoping she’ll ask what I’m thinking - and she often does. The show notes and resources are extremely thorough too, which I also appreciate. By far one of my favorite podcasts out there.
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Dinneen from Retrain Back Pain
Hopping on the Train
This podcast has totally changed my life. I’ve felt there has been something missing in my decades of Physical Therapy and Yoga Therapy practices, and this is it. True holistic healing. The interplay of eastern and western mindsets, the realization of our bodies as buoyant springy structures, and the ultimate paradigm shift this podcast presents is necessary for Every BODY to hear. I’ve been squatting, crawling, reworking my “furniture”, and delightfully playing with all of Brooke’s material. Thank you Brooke for dancing us all down the path to embodiment!
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Tara DiRocco
I’m Hooked
I have been searching for a podcast like this. Brooke Thomas has a great collection of interviews and topics from my personal “wish list”. Excellent and absorbing.
Amazing and thoughtful
I look forward to every podcast. Brooke really does her "homework" her interviews are so well organized. I can't stop thinking about the "stuff" of her podcasts for days. Just love it.....
Most beneficial podcast for back pain!
Thank you for this amazing podcast! I'm a former yoga instructor who has found myself humbled and limited by chronic sciatica. I'm trying to heal myself though better movement patterns and physical education. I've found this podcast to be very educational and helpful in terms of learning so much about areas that I should be focused on and learning to be more aware of my movement patterns. Hearing the experiences of some of the speakers talk about how their work was born out of physical pain that they experienced has brought me a lot of hope and inspiration! Please have a podcast on sciatica!
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Crippled yoga teacher
Life Changing
I have been listening to this podcast since episode 1 and I am not exaggerating when I say that it has changed my life. I have been a yoga teacher for seven years and have been contemplating becoming a physical therapist for just as many. Somewhere in the middle of season one I went back to school to start on the path of becoming a physical therapist. Each and every podcast is so well done, incredibly informative, and always fascinating. Although it sometimes takes more than one listen for me, the information is easy to digest. Even some of the more difficult concepts are always broken down and made easy to comprehend without watering down the material. I have learned so much from this podcast. It has made me a better yoga teacher, a happier and healthier person, and hopefully, one day, a great physical therapist. Thank you, Brooke! I appreciate the work you do so very much!
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Madeline Manion
I am ridiculously impressed with this podcast
I listen to A LOT of podcasts - many of which I love. This is one of the best ones out there - on my "always listen right away" list (right up there with the Moth). I also think it is the best health podcasts out here - smart, balanced, forward-thinking, and not trying to sell anything or blinded by their own viewpoint. And the sound quality/editing is seemless, which is important.
Excellent show!
Recommend to all body nerds
Great content!
Thanks for the collaboration of some great minds.
Aaron Alexander | Move Med
Honestly i dont listen to this podcast regularly but when i do, i really enjoy each episode. I have nerve pain and some other issues, this podcast has given me lots of ideas. Mary bond has been particularly helpful!
Never ceases to amaze
It never ceases to amaze me how this podcast continually encourages me to reinterpret the world inside and around me in new ways. Each episode, especially the more potent ones, provides me somewhat of a new lens through which to interpret my bodily experiences. I so appreciate Brooke’s style of interview - it makes this potentially confusing information very accessible. Thank you!
Liberated Body is an excellent podcast!! I listened to every episode. Sometimes I listen to certain episodes several times because of the rich and informative contents. Thank you for bringing us all these wonderful topics, Brooke!! I look forward to your future episodes.
Cindi L.
my favorite podcast
Thanks Brooke for getting this information out in such a friendly and accessible way! Your effort is greatly appreciated, and I share your podcast whenever I can. I’m a rolfer too, and find your podcasts inspiring. Thank you! And for those who are poking around iTunes, listen to just one of Brooke’s shows. I bet you’ll be hooked!
Joyful and eye-opening
Great stuff! Brooke has put a lot of thought and a lot of joy into these podcasts. I have learned a lot (and learned a lot about how much more is out there) and had my eyes opened to so much interesting body nerd knowledge. So glad to find such an interesting, fun and informative podcast.
Liberate your body
Brooke brings on amazing guests - a couple that I’ve never seen on any other podcasts and really does fantastic work. Thank you Brooke!
thought leaders well interviewed
Brooke and her amazing guests are piecing together what DO we know about the human body. My understanding of muscles, fascia, nerves, bones, my thoughts, posture...everything...has been hugely accelerated by listening. Every guest has stellar credentials. Brooke, you are so articulate - you know what to ask them. Walking with giants could be another name for this podcast. Thanks so much!
Absolutely helpful and amazing!
Brooke does an amazing job with these podcasts. I'm not a health professional, but an individual with lots of health challenges. Because conventional medicine tends to want to cut you or give you pills I've become a 'body nerd' and learned how to fix a lot of issues myself. Brooke interviews health professionals (kinesiologists, rolfers, even surgeons and other body pros) who have a unique outlook on how the body works and who are happy to share their work to make the world a better place. With Brooke's experience in the healthcare world she is able to create unique podcasts that continue to not only help me help myself but that blow my mind! Thanks Brooke! You so totally rock!!
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I can't tell you how much I enjoy this podcast and how much I have learned from it. Brooke is a wonderful interviewer and has brought the most amazing thinkings in the field of holism. I love how she is pushing us to rethink the body and health care and to learn from the best. I'm a yogini, yoga teacher, dancer, contact improver, embodied soul and I love learning more about my being from Brooke and the incredible people she interviews. These are paradigm shifting thinkers. Fascia and adipose tissue as a receiver of intuitive learning, Self care is Health Care, Questioning the lack of core strength as the source of back pain, and on and on. Thank you Brooke!
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Tuesday is my new favorite day!
I am a newly Licenced massage therapist and a student at the Rolf Institut. i stumbled on your website while doing some research about Rolf. i was getting the Facia Freedom fighters news letters. which i loved, but i wanted to say thank you for the podcasts, mobile learning is my favorite kind. I so appreciate all you put into the podcast and website. and i recommend liberated body to everyone. PS my name is Brooke too so thats kinda fun :)
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the revolution awaits
There is a quiet revolution happening in the health space. A growing movement is realizing there is a common element running through diet, exercise, healthy life style, and all manner of approaches to well-being. Our very experience of health – with its ups and downs, its pleasures and pains, its triumphs and tribulations – is only every experienced in the body, through the body, as a body in movement. Liberated Body explores this from different angles each week with amazing and delightful guests. Brooke Thomas is a gifted interviewer who draws on her own experience and wisdom in engaging conversations that are well structured but still feel free flowing. Brooke knows how to weave in her own expertise without losing the focus on her subject. This revolution will not be televised. But fortunately for you and me, it will be podcast each Tuesday.
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Highest quality, fun, and inspirational learning
Don’t listen unless you have deep pockets and time. You will be buying the books and exploring the websites of each and every person she interviews. Then you will realize the point is to get outside and move, so you will shut down your laptop or close the book and you will head outside for a walk, or hang on a tree limb. Life-changing information. I can’t wait for Brooke to write her own book, because someone needs to synthesize everything happening on this podcast.
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LBP Addict
Always interesting
I can't tell you how much I look forward to this podcast every week. Granted, not every one is spot on with regard to my interests but they are usually fascinating nevertheless.
Inspiring podcast! Thank you for the conversations!
As a Rolfer, I value this podcast to learn about what other practitioners and pioneers are learning and doing. As a person living in a body, I value this podcast to encourage me to keep learning and keep moving. We are an amazing collection of connected layers of tissues, cells, experiences, emotions, impulses and histories. We are whole beings and an integral, effective part of the world in which we live. We are not just a collection of parts! Don’t allow yourself to be diagnosed and treated as such. Get out for a walk and enjoy this wonderful podcast! Thanks, Brooke.
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Rolfing Connections
The best
I so appreciate this podcast. The best choices of people to interview and she asks such good questions. I so look forward to my walks so that I can listen to them. Thanks!
Amy Rel
Brooke knows her stuff
I’m dealing with the effects of too much work on the computer. Brooke’s knowledge and her great guests are a big help.
Mass Southpaw
So well done & informative!
I love this podcast. I learn something new from every interview, and have used many of the ideas to inform my own movements and share them with my yoga students. Brook does a great job not only choosing interesting subjects, but also asking good questions and defining terms that some may not be familiar with along the way. My hands down favorite (so far) is the interview with Mary Bond. I adored her lyrical description of walking with beauty, and practice relaxing my tongue on dog walks and at stop lights. Thank you Brook, for bringing these great teachers to a larger audience.
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another anatomy geek
Amazing Resource
I specialize in Human Performance specifically in Mental Health Development. I have LOVED Brooke’s podcast in learning about different interventions and techniques that I would otherwise not be aware of. I’m grateful for her willingness to put so much thought, time and effort into these shows. Do yourself a favor and check this out. Knowledge bombs are a plenty :)
A Game Changer
The liberated body podcast has literally changed my awareness and perception of myself, my body and the universe around me. Following one of her excellent “home play” exercises regarding perception and proprioception, I closed my eyes and one small step at a time descended (by way of inlaid cement stairs) a mountain (Tabor, in Portland). It was the single most life and spiritually changing experience of my current existence. A self proclaimed body nerd, I highly recommend this podcast to any and all who have a desire to honor themselves and all of existence encompassing them through a practice and awareness of ones mind-body-self.
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Tara Davis
Best podcast ever!
This is MY FAVORITE podcast ever. I look forward to Tuesdays when it comes out and listen to it religiously. I actually enjoy my commute to work when I’m listening to the Liberated Body Podcast, which is saying a lot. Brooke Thomas is a smart, relatable and charismatic host, her questions are spot on and her guests have been amazing. Brooke is obviously passionate about her work and it shows in the podcast. As a psychologist, yoga and Yoga Tune Up ® teacher, and someone who values embodied movement, I learn new, valuable and immediately applicable things every time I listen to this podcast. I tell everyone about it. Once you listen, you’ll be hooked!
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Fantastic information well presented; anatomy/alignment nerd heaven!
I’ve only recently discovered Brooke’s podcast, but I’m a handful of episodes in and I’ve been delighted by everything I’ve heard so far. I can’t wait to keep listening! She’s got interesting, expert guests and conducts her interviews deftly. There’s so much great information packed into every episode, and I love the “try it out at home” suggestions she provides at the end of every episode. A superb resource and inspiration for body workers, yoga teachers, physical therapists, etc. as well as any one interested in taking better care of their bodies. Thank you Brooke!!
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Wannabe bodhisattva
loving our bodies!
I found exactly what I was looking for in this podcast to continue to spark excitement and build knowledge as a bodyworker! Brooke's thoughtful interviews are packed with folks who keep pushing for deeper embodied healing. I always learn something and get lots of new leads to continue my learning and moving in my life and work. I can't stop telling people about this podcast and what I'm learning. Many thanks to you Brooke.
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