Let's Talk Homeschool
Let's Talk Homeschool
Davis Carman
via Podcasts
Filled with Wisdom
Let’s Talk Homeschool has such deep, Biblical wisdom to share with the next generation of homeschoolers. Such a wonderful podcast!
Much Needed Wisdom
I am so thankful that Rachel and Davis are taking the time to make a podcast. I really enjoy gleaning wisdom from godly homeschooling parents who have been through so many things I am experiencing now. This is a great show for veteran homeschoolers and newcomers alike.
Mrs. Lbs
Such BOLd truths!
I have been enjoying this podcast from Episode 1, and I keep sharing episodes with others! The “don’t stop at high school part 1,” is really resonating with me. Our oldest is in 8th grade, and every week our family is fielding questions related to “are we really going to homeschool through high school???” It’s so hard not to jump ship out of fear; it’s hard not to sound judgmental when I give reasonings for continuing to homeschool through high school; and it’s hard to watch teens go down the same-old-path of waywardness bc they are being led by their peers and society, not their families. I am so appreciative of Davis and Rachael’s BOLDNESS to speak out and speak up. “Socialization” is scary. People who advocate for socialization honestly don’t understand what they are advocating for. I look forward to all of the Let’s Talk Homeschool episodes. Please keep them coming!!
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Don't stop at highschool
Thank you for being brave and speaking truth. Your show is a true blessing. Keep up the amazing work!!
Heather Law
Thank you for being at HOME!!
What a blessing to see you both at HOME in Rockport, ME. So often, after a convention I feel inspired but wish the “conversation” could go on. I’m so looking forward to listening to your new podcast!!
Encouragement for today’s homeschooling family
Davis and Rachel are wise, kind, honest and deeply committed to inspiring and encouraging homeschooling parents.