Learning as we go Podcast

Learning as we go

We're Mikkel and Andrés - we nerd out over handstands, flexibility, coaching, and marketing - and the process of learning things as we go.
What is a workshop?
After a way too long forced break due to limited time for editing, Andres and Mikkel are back! In this episode, Mikkel shares how he's coming back from his Paternity leave, while Andres shares his struggles to tap back into reality after the Handstand Factory Intensives. For the main topic of the episode, they dive into what Workshops are, especially in the area of handstands. What participants can expect and how they can make the best out of them, as well as how coaches can use them to elevate their business, and different ways to arrange and structure them. Enjoy!
Jun 19, 2023
55 min
Things to consider when starting your coaching business
Today, Mikkel talks about how it is to be on Paternity leave, while Andres shares his passion for rescuing abandoned plants and gets lost in a conversation about his personal finance system. Once they get to the main topic, they continue the conversation from the last episode, sharing valuable tips and advice for anyone wanting to start their own coaching business.
May 13, 2023
59 min
Things we've learned while creating our businesses
In this episode, Mikkel and Andres talk about microphones, audio editing, and how their businesses and training are evolving for perhaps a bit too long to be considered an Intro. For the main part of the episode, they dive into the discussion of how they started their coaching and freelance businesses, sharing valuable insights and lessons they have learned along the way. Enjoy!
Apr 4, 2023
57 min
The (real) basics of Social Media
In this episode, we intend to continue our conversation about non-linear progress in different aspects of an online business, to realize mid-conversation that we should probably dedicate the whole episode to a different topic: How we can look at Social Media metrics and understand it in a way that makes sense to build a strong Online Presence.
Mar 13, 2023
46 min
Non-linear progress in Flexibility
This week we squeeze our schedules to make time for this episode, in which we continue the conversation about non-linear progress, this time in the context of flexibility.  Enjoy!
Mar 3, 2023
44 min
Non-linear Progress in Handstands
In this episode, we continue looking into non-linear progress, this time focusing on handstands. We talk about some of the reasons why progress happens often in this way, sharing some examples that we have seen working with trainees, and how we can approach this non-linearity when designing or following a training plan.
Feb 22, 2023
55 min
Non-linear progress
In this episode, we discuss non-linear progress in general and specifically in regards to physical disciplines such as handstands and flexibility, as well as business and social media. This one turned out to require a part 2, so stay tuned!
Feb 14, 2023
56 min
Managing expectations as a beginner
In this episode, we introduce a new segment - new things we've learned since the last podcast! We also discuss how to manage expectations as a beginner, both as a coach, business owner and in your training.
Feb 6, 2023
50 min
Welcome to the Learning as we go Podcast
In this first episode, Mikkel and Andres describe who they are, and the reason why they decided to start this podcast. Later in their conversation, they chat about some of their current challenges in regards to their training, introducing some of the topics that they will discuss in further episodes. 
Jan 29, 2023
58 min