Lead Stories Podcast
Lead Stories Podcast
Jo Saxton and Pastor Steph Williams O'Brien
via Podcasts
Practical, Wise, and Fun!
The Lead Stories Podcast is a weekly staple for me. I resonate deeply with the truth, wisdom, and grace Jo Saxton and Pastor Steph share as they talk about about leadership and life. They are refreshingly authentic as they discuss being a leader and having influence in today’s culture. As woman who is a ministry leader, I appreciate Jo and Steph’s insights and the practical resources they offer, too. I’ve passed this podcast along to my team (both men and women) to benefit from, as well. I highly recommend subscribing and sharing with your colleagues and friends.
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Christine IV Wag.
I love all of the concepts on this podcast and appreciate them carrying us through the pandemic. The five folds gifts survey link isn’t working though. I hope it can be fixed.
Ann Clark
Love this podcast
I really love Pastor Steph and Jo Saxon and then this season Pastor Edwin joined. He is such a great fit. This years messages have been so helpful as a lay ministry leader at church. Keep up the good work.
Mom Fisch
New Co-Host?!?!
I am so excited to hear that you’re bringing Edrin Williams in as a regular voice on your podcast! It can only get better from here! I first learned about him when you replayed an interview with him over the summer, and I know that his addition will make the discussions so much richer and more profound and full of wisdom and insight. So glad the Spirit prompted you to “shake things up!”
Leadership School
This podcast is like going to “leadership school.” Jo, Steph, and their guests continually put out meaty and helpful episodes that help guide leaders in all sorts of situations!
Dorina Gilmore
Best Podcast Ever
I started with the beginning of season 8. I absolutely love it. They talk about all walks of life (not just married with kids). I really appreciate they honesty and challenges they offer all listeners through a Biblical View.
Carl the Minion BA
I love these women and their leadership. Well done.
Challenging and Inspiring
Love the podcast and all the wisdom and experience shared.
Great depth
Love the depth of content and stories that are shared here. So helpful for me as a woman coming out of a conservative church where women were not allowed to be pastors or elders and their voices were silenced all while the men called them equal and valued. Lots of pain there and dealing with mold breaking. Thanks for all your insights!
Working on my weakness
One of my commitments for 2019 is to listen and engage with Jo and Steph and this podcast. I actually went to your YouTube channel and found the SWOT visual really helpful. Thank you! Keep up the excellent work!
community life pastor
Keep it UP
So enjoyed the Bod Goff podcast and even used some of his advice today with my own kiddo! “You are a terrific kid, now - go make a mistake tomorrow!” 😂 mistakes are opportunities for growth! Loved it
Emily Mills - Jesus Said Love
Listen, learn, love and laugh!
I know this, God is at work! He’s orchestrated this podcast to start playing on my phone a few times on its own. A few times, it’s been 100% relevant to what’s going on in my life right then or what our message was at church just that week. I know this isn’t a coincidence! It’s God telling me to listen to this podcast, And so should you! Jo and Steph are clear and vibrant speakers with a wide variety of amazing & challenging guests. Other than reading the Bible and going to church, I feel this podcast helps me learn about more of God, more of Jesus, more of the Bible and who’s doing what type of kingdom work. Some of these keep me laughing at my desk at work. Lots of head nodding (affirmation) and out loud “Amen!”
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Love this podcast. So grateful for these two women.
So encouraged and mentored
This podcast is so amazing. It has encouraged me in my faith as well as learn how to better lead out. They are not afraid to truly speak the truth. They have been such distant mentors in a time of dryness. I am beyond grateful for their breath of fresh air. I saw someone said something about their banter back and forth and that their podcast is too long. The banter and talking is what makes them them. Without that, it would be a sterile outline. I love that they let their personality come through. Otherwise I would go read a book if that type of thing bothered me.
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Want the content, had to stop listening
I was really excited about this podcast and its topics, but I had to stop listening. The episodes are twice as long as needed to cover content, mostly due to meaningless banter and that each of them repeats most of what the other says. Both are very strong personalities (as am I, no worries there) but they get obnoxious after a while. I just unsubscribed and deleted all the episodes I downloaded (I was late to the party) and am taking an idea from another reviewer to check back in 6 months to see if it’s better.
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Lead Stories Podcast
Steph and Jo are more than worth the listen. Transparent, relevant discussion on leadership that is challenging and transforming me. Thank you, Pastor Steph and Pastor Jo!
Pastor Angela
Great advice for any type of leader
I am a high school science teacher, and I absolutely love every podcast episode these inspiring ladies publish! They are uplifting, encouraging, and even a bit constructively criticizing, which is so refreshing! Thank you both for always bringing the knowledge and encouraging the introspection required to grow as a leader!
Love listening! It grows, challenges and encourages me. Steph and Jo make you feel like you are right in the room with them chatting! Love how engaged they are to determine what the community is interested in and needs. Thank you for serving our Father and this community.
Real leadership talk
Love the guests, topics, and content. First hand leadership stories are encouraging.
in life and walk with God - thank you, ladies!
Good, but way too much banter
I really like the topics and I want to hear what they have to say but I find myself getting very irritated with the amount of banter that goes on through out the podcast, especially at the beginning. I know these ladies are besties, but sometimes it's like they forget that the listeners are not in the room. Less banter, more topic discussion.
Great First Season...even in the wilderness!
I have been listening almost since the beginning. Now that we're coming to the end of the year I am revisiting a few of the episodes that I remember being very relevant to me. The wilderness episodes were so powerful and God used them powerfully when I first listened to them...but revealed so much more the second time!! Thank you ladies for your passion and for speaking the truth! Heading into 2017 with a renewed sense of freedom!
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Intentional With Their Influence!
If I've learned one thing from Jo and Steph it's that "leaders are people who are intentional with their influence". This certainly defines Jo and Steph--through their day-to-day ministries as well as this podcast. I listen to them regularly and highly recommend it to other leaders.
Good content, but...
I think the content is good for the most part, but hearing Jo say "Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah." the whole time someone is talking makes this podcast almost impossible for me to listen to. Easy fix if the podcast hosts are listening back to there own material with a critical ear to catch some of the auditory distractions. Will check back in 6 months to see if it improves.
You won't regret listening
Whether it's Jo and Steph offering advice and tips from their years of experience or one of them interviewing someone who leads in some capacity, I have gotten something out of every podcast. I have gained insight in how to lead better, how to approach different situations with grace and peace and even grown deeper in my relationship with God. It's worth the 20ish minutes. You won't regret listening.
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Practically Applicable
Jo and Steph share their true experiences and aren't afraid to also talk about what hasn't worked, as well as what's been successful. They offer pearls for us to try on and nuggets of wisdom to use, apply and pass on. It's always a treat to listen in on their conversation.
Glad we are friends!
Jo and Steph - thank you for this podcast. It is Inspiring, relevant, practical, encourging, and fun. I also love that you call us friends! Cant wait for season 2. I am blessed by your faithfulness.
Tracie H Fountain
Just what I need!
These ladies speak to my heart! I am a reluctant leader who is enjoying the wisdom, encouragement and much-needed humor in this podcast.
Sybil from CA
Informative but Down to Earth
Dropping knowledge while having fun and not taking above you. Thanks for this show it has become a vital piece of my leadership growth.
Uplifting and helpful
I started listening to the podcast because I'm a fan of Jo. I'm not a leader of anything. Truly. I'm not. Yet. I binge listened to all of them and absolutely love the information they give. Not too long ago I found out my husband and I will be leading a community group at church! I'm so excited to put what I've learned into action! These podcasts will be so helpful and relevant to what we will be doing. Thank you for doing this and letting us in to your leader world! BTW, you guys are hilarious together! So glad I've "met" Steph. Such good chemistry with you two!
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IB's Mom
Great duo!
I think Jo and Steph go well together. Ship you guys to the moon and back. Keep up the great work.
Weekly Dose of Leadership with Girlfriends
I started listening to LeadStories the first week Jo and Steph launched. It's been a weekly dose of practical information, encouraging stories, and sound Christian wisdom all rolled into a lively conversation with women who make you feel like you are sitting at the ktichen table together. I believe it's important for women in ministry leadership to have a trusted source of information -- Jo and Steph are mentors, teachers, theologians, yet approachable like a good friend.
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Bad rating but not for the podcast
Great show but please Jo STOP smacking!
Jasper Jamie
Encouraging and equipping!
These podcasts are so encouraging, fun and practical that I always feel like I have just spent time with good friends who are pointing me to Jesus! Jo and Steph share authentic stories alongside the truths of scripture to equip those listening to be able to live and love like Jesus. I so appreciate being able to listen. Thank you!!!
Practical Help for Women in Leadership
Real words of wisdom from two amazing women who are in the trenches doing the hard stuff. I love this podcast!
Practical and Encouraging!
You guys. Just had to let you know that the Lord is using this podcast!! I have been absolutely loving your most recent summer series about all facets of health. Each Monday, I go on my evening jog and each week the topic has been exactly what I needed to hear for that week. You two are hilarious and it's evident you have a heart to shepherd and nurture the Christian community. Thank you for being so diligent and faithful in this podcast. And I love that I can count on Biblical truth as the basis of your advice. I know I'm not wasting my time when I listen to this podcast. Thanks!!
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Kirstin McAuley
Encouraging, fun, and relevant.
These ladies are so fun to listen to. I love how they listen to each other and build off each other's ideas. It's a bit like getting to sit in on a pair of best friends chatting about their favorite topic. The light hearted feel masks some very profound things that I haven't been prepared for! Thanks for all the practical advice, humor, and spiritual depth.
Encouragement straight from the Word
I need teaching for my soul as a pastor’s wife. So thankful for this podcast and all the truth from Scripture Jo and Steph share!
My favorite podcast!
Jo and Steph are really funny, extremely relevant, and I'd be happy listening to Jo read the nutrition facts on Cheetos, but the conversations they have and the wisdom they pass along are what keep me waiting for the next episode. They speak truth with style and I've been so encouraged by what they share and their passion for leadership and the Bible.
Melbo of the Shire
Great wisdom!
Love the wisdom and perspective these two women offer! I admire people who promote and encourage leadership in other women!
Grateful for this!
I came across this podcast when Jo was on The Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey. It's inspiring, thought-provoking, and entertaining! Please keep recording!
Hunter Beless
Everyone is a Leader - And This Helps Us Get Better
As a leader, I am in the process of growing and getting better. Steph and Jo help me do that. Their insight challenges me to dig deeper into who God wants me to be. I also laugh a lot - and I could listen to Jo read the phone book. We are all leaders in our own way. Lead Stories Podcast helps everyone in whatever place or context we lead. Listen and love it today!
Love, love, love your podcast. So thankful that lead stories speaks truth and life. Very authentic and real ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Jill Primm
Phenomenal Resource
Steph and Jo understand the complexities of Christian leadership and teach with great biblical and theological clarity. This podcast has been incredibly influential for me as a seminary student preparing for vocational ministry. But the brilliant thing is that this podcast is relevant for any Christian who is a leader (which all Christians should be in some sense). Particularly because, these two strong women leaders speak from an authentic and vibrant life of following Jesus through all of the messiness and difficulty. Highly recommend this podcast to all!
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Exactly what I’m needing now
I’m learning so much from Jo and Steph! They know the struggles and joys of leading in the Church, and I’m grateful for their stories and wisdom. I wish each podcast were longer because I could definitely keep listening!!
Real, relevant, fun, & encouraging!
This is 20 minutes of much-needed "me-time" that challenges and encourages me to "Be not weary in well-doing" as I seek to follow God at home, work, and ministry. It's like a personal mentoring session with these ladies!
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