Law of Attraction Talk Radio
Law of Attraction Talk Radio
Law of Attraction Expert
via Podcasts
Too bad this show has gone so bad…
I used to listen to this podcast all the time. Loved the interesting guests and topics. But once the host started talking about politics, I was really turned off and didn’t listen again for a long time. I decided to give it another try recently and now she’s spreading dangerous and false pandemic information, telling listeners if they take a vitamin cocktail they can neither get Covid, nor spread it! So irresponsible. She also talks about ‘the injection’ (not the ‘vaccine’) and how anyone who gets it is ruining their immune system. Really disappointed this is the direction Jules has taken her show, rather than just talking about LOA and living a great life. I have unsubscribed and will not listen again.
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disappointed Tennessean
Content is superb
It’s a great podcast, lots of very interesting guests. One thing is annoying though: the way the hostess over enunciates each word and drags her speech, as if she was separating syllables when pronouncing each word. Ugh, it makes me lose focus on the message, which is really positive and interesting.
She was right... Amazing!
Turns out everything she said has turned out to be correct. She has a knack to open eyes instead of just accepting the norm.
Really let down
I listened to the podcast this am as I walked the beach. I am so upset about the comments about the Covid 19 issues, Dr Fauci and the Vaccine. Is this really how you roll? You have over stepped your platform. Talking about Donald Trump is pure evil. Absolutely will never listen to this again. Surprised you allow this on Apple.
Leave out politics
I have enjoyed some episodes, but in several episodes she goes on and on about Trump and "think what you might about him, he is.....". How can anyone "spiritual" think Donald Trump is a good man?? No thanks.
Don’t stop
Love listening! Jewels is right about so many things. Love that she understands that President Trump is for the people! Keep on going jewels!
Great podcast!
Don’t let the haters and the cancel culture stop you from saying what you think is right! Thank you!!
Predicted the second wave of covid would be nothing
Poor James Van Praugh (12/5/20. Did he have any idea what her opening monologue would be about constitutional rights to not wear masks, see who you want to see for the holidays, and get this, the second wave of covid wouldn’t amount to anything. Is she “psychic”? Don’t waste your money with a reading from this conspiracy theory loving kook. Too bad. She has decent guests. I just don’t want to hear her cray cray.
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She should not talk politics here
This is worst podcast ever. Why before starting she talks, not wearing mask, we have freedom etc. ?? Because of those selfish people, lots of Americans died. 1 this is not related topic 2 too sensitive for now Thus I won’t never listen this podcast again
Thanks to listener comments!
So glad the listener below clued us in to the hosts biased comments about Trump. Thank you. I will not listen to this Podcast ever again.
No Longer Listener
Hello my name is Susan from USA i want to share an amazing experience i had with the almighty Priest Ade, my husband Greg filled for a divorce i was really devastated i cried day and night everyday i told a friend of mine about the situation and she told me about the powerful spell caster Priest Ade i was feeling a little bit skeptical about it but i just decided to give him a try i did every thing he asked me to do and he promised me 24hrs result and the next morning to my greatest surprise it was Greg on his kneels begging me to forgive and accept him back i'm so happy all thanks to Priest Ade he can also help you contact ancientspiritspellcast@gmail. com OR ancientspiritspellcast@yahoo. com WhatsApp +2347059715465 .
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So very disappointed
I have sadly decided to unsubscribe from this podcast. The political rants have just gotten to be too frequent for my taste. For someone who I had considered to be so enlightened, I was so surprised to hear Jewels expound about her views in such an unenlightened way. The final straw was when she went on and on about her lack of freedom during the pandemic and about not wanting to pay taxes. Really? What do you think pays for public education? Road repairs? The fire department? Shall I continue? I didn’t even wait for the guest to come on the air. It was a complete turn off, so I turned it off. Everyone has their right to their opinion and I respect that, but there are certain circumstances that you keep it to yourself. I suggest if Jewels wants to talk about politics, start a different podcast. I have gotten so many good nuggets from this program, but I will now look elsewhere.
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Been listening since 2009
I love this show. I’ve learned so much from it over the years. I love how open minded Jewels is with who she brings on as guests. You never know. The good vibes are palpable. I always feel better after listening. Thank you for enriching my life Jewels!
Lara in California
So disappointed about Trump comments
I was thoroughly enjoying this, until the January episode 2020 Manifestation, when she made comments about Trump in that “we” manifested his election, for the purpose of ridding the elites to make us all have a better life. Some of us equate a better life with equality for all, not ok with drilling into our national parks, caring about global warming and oh ya, following what we were taught as kids about being kind. I hope to find another podcast equivalent without a political undertone.
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Thank you for being a bright light to shine for all.
I love your show Jewels. Keep up the good work. I agree with so much of your commentary. Thank you being so open minded and having the guts to say what you believe. I get ya.
Arkie 123
A question for the host
Why don’t you use the law of attraction to manifest yourself some eyebrows?
I’m struggling to keep listening because the guest speakers are quite good, however the host repeats the word “right” whenever the guests pause in their speech. If I had to guess how many times she uses the word in one show I would at least 500 times or more.
Necole Livingston's Episode - Awesome!
I appreciate Jewels for having Necole on her show. I've been following Necole on Youtube for several years and she is an amazing spiritual teacher. I hadn't heard some of the stories and concepts Necole mentioned in your show and I was tuned in with both ears!! Incredible interview, please have her on again! Thank you both and guess what Necole? I AM a spiritual superstar Dear Love :) XOXO
Spiritual Superstar
I think Jewels is very thorough in the questions that she asks and makes sure that her guests explain things so that any noob can understand what it is that they are discussing. And she really picks some great guests to cover the best topics. This has really helped to boost my personal law of attraction magnet.
Just what I was looking for
Keep it up!
Lost me at "deep state" and "mainstream media"
And I was stuck in the shower listening this this woman. Turned it off the second I got out. Waste of time. 🙄
Got Fog?
Leave politics out of this
I've listened for a few months now, but the latest episode lost me as a listener. I don't care to hear your view on politics when this isn't a podcast for politics. I came to learn more on the Law of Attraction, not to listen to politics...that I can hear on literally a thousand different POLITICAL stations.
5 stars
Awesome podcast! Really helps with getting a better understanding and information about the law of attraction!
This is a Great Show!
I listened to your radio podcast and I learned so many great things. From talking about ways to take care of your body, to learning ways that you can manifest things in your actual life, this show tells it all. This show is so helpful!
I was in the energy dumps for the past few days. I stated an intent that I needed something to shift my energy. This is awesome! Shift happened and I'm ready for a massively awesome day!
Low audio quality makes it hard to listen to and the ads are out of control. Most podcasts do integrated 30 second ads but this just feels like self promotion central. I fast forwarded for over 5 minutes and it was still ads so I gave up. I'm sure there is valuable info in there somewhere but I couldn't find it.
Agent Shawnee
Tea-party law of attraction?
So listened to the first had of this program's Nov 4(?) podcast and it was filled with anti-government and conspiracy theory junk. I kept on listening to see if she was to dispel such ideas in the end but no. Not sure how this show gets such a high rating.
Jewels you are the BEST
WE absolutely love the LOA Radio Network - check it out you will love it too!!!
love this podcast
brilliant guest speakers; and a myriad of information for one to improve there well-being & overall quality of life. I have kidney disease & I find this podcast is one that lifts my spirit & allows me to tap into the divine, which is something not found w/ all my dr's & there "western" approach to my illness. thank you. would love to meet some of these amazing healers & teachers. thank you, & be well.
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e plough
Beautiful show
I love that show that always talk about interested matters,I love it I love it
Absolutely. These conversations never fail to deeply inspire me.
Great Show. Always Interesting.
Love this show. I listen to it while I run. New things to learn all the time. Ffw to about a couple mins in. I thought it was mostly commercial but now I just skip to about 2-3minutes in.
Want to see a life change?
Jewels and the other hosts of this network will surely touch on a subject that will shift you into a better place. Thank you, Jewels!
Highly recommend this podcast!
This is a great podcast! I'm so glad I found it, thank you Jewels for bringing this positive energy to the world! Also, thanks for the great guests! I'm listening to past podcasts and looking forward to new ones!
It is so enlighting to have such source of information about spirituality. Over twenty years ago, when I first arrive in the USA, this was what I miss the most. Coming from a country where spirituality is so open discissed, I missed the conversation for way too long. Thank you Jewels.
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