Lauren Conrad: Asking for a Friend
Lauren Conrad: Asking for a Friend
Lauren Conrad and Cadence13
Lauren Conrad: Asking for a Friend
Lauren Conrad and Cadence13
In today’s social media culture, it’s easy to look around and believe that everyone else has life figured out. But things aren’t always as they appear! Each week, fashion designer, NYT bestselling author and lifestyle expert, Lauren Conrad will host a variety of experts for candid conversations on everything from life, love, and business! Whether it’s the ideal seven-minute morning beauty regimen, how to snap that perfect IG-worthy flat lay or tips for tricking party guests into believing you’re a gourmet chef, Conrad’s guests will offer listeners tips for quickly navigating a Pinterest-obsessed world, as well as offering a healthy dose of reality. Because life isn’t always about knowing how to do everything perfectly yourself; it’s about knowing the people who do!
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5 years ago
July 24, 2019
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