Latinx Intelligentsia
Latinx Intelligentsia
Dra. Michelle Espino Lira
A Shared Sacred Space: The Central American & Isthmian Writers Group
40 minutes Posted Apr 15, 2022 at 2:48 pm.
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Ep47 What started as a way to gather to write at the start of the pandemic evolved into a shared sacred space among Central American and Isthmian writers who sought a space to tell their stories from the Isthmus. La Profesora talks with Eileen Galvez, Samantha Erskine, Bri Rodriguez, and Jessica Hoppe about how the CentAm Writers began and ways that they have evolved to co-create and co-share a worldwide community.

Our Poet-in-Residence & in Resistencia, Gabriel Pulido shares the poem "Ode to my Homegirls by Safia Elhillo".


Learn more about John Lira, the Democratic Nominee for U.S. Congress in Texas-23 at

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