Latinos Who Lunch
Latinos Who Lunch
Latinos Who Lunch
Episode 134: Live at UNLV with Dr. Erika Abad!
1 hour 36 minutes Posted Jul 18, 2019 at 9:27 am.
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En esta ocasión, we bring you an amazing live episode from LWL’s hometown of Las Vegas. The University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) hosted FavyFav, Babelito and Dr. Erika Abad to indulge in a conversation about Latinx queer representation in television. They focus on five shows to dissect the importance and problems behind them. From Jane the Virgin to Pose, this conversation reveals how these television shows, while they highlight the visibility of our communities, are at the same time not perfect. Listen as they talk about why we need to watch shows like Casa de las Flores and One Day at a Time and why we also need to be critical of them. Stay tuned till the end to listen to audience questions and comments on representation, visibility, the future of Latinx popular media, and some Vegas podcasts recommendations. #podsincolor #supportbrownpodcasts #supportlatinxpodcasts #lwlpod