L2 Church Sermons Podcast

L2 Church Sermons

L2 Church
L2 Denver Church - Transforming Culture with Truth. This is the podcast of the weekly Sunday morning service of L2 Church in Denver, CO. L2 Church engages the culture with the relevant message of the bible. This is the podcast of the archived Sunday morning service of L2 Church in Denver, CO. L2 has transitioned to an incubator providing support for other organizations. To learn more about our current work visit L2today.com
Samson: Strength and Weakness
In this series, Dr. McKendry will examine some of the most mysterious characters in the Bible to demonstrate that Christianity is a system of truth that enables us to discover who we really are and thereby grants us the ability to be truly free.
Oct 14, 2022
43 min
Gideon: Faith, Doubt and Fear
In this series, Dr. McKendry will examine some of the most mysterious characters in the Bible to demonstrate that Christianity is a system of truth that enables us to discover who we really are and thereby grants us the ability to be truly free.
Oct 12, 2022
43 min
Case Studies in the Old Testament: Introduction (Part 1)
In this series, Dr. McKendry will examine some of the most mysterious characters in the Bible to demonstrate that Christianity is a system of truth that enables us to discover who we really are and thereby grants us the ability to be truly free.
Oct 12, 2022
44 min
Good Friday
2015 Good Friday sermon 
Oct 12, 2022
22 min
2015 Easter Sermon
Oct 12, 2022
28 min
The Lord’s Table (Part 2)
The Lord’s Table is commonly observed in Christian churches around the world. But, what is it? And what can or should be accomplished when we observe it? In this two-part series on The Lord’s Table, Dr. Russ McKendry is answering these and other questions regarding this important sacrament of the Christian faith so you can better understand its significance and participate in its power.
Oct 12, 2022
51 min
The Lord’s Table
The Lord’s Table is commonly observed in Christian churches around the world. But, what is it? And what can or should be accomplished when we observe it? In this two-part series on The Lord’s Table, Dr. Russ McKendry is answering these and other questions regarding this important sacrament of the Christian faith so you can better understand its significance and participate in its power.
Oct 12, 2022
28 min
Memorial Day 2015
Memorial Day 2015
Oct 12, 2022
42 min
Faith and Marriage - Gender Roles (Part 4)
Most of us realize that marriage can be “the best of times and the worst of times.” Yet, many today haven’t seriously considered what causes those two drastically different outcomes. In this series, Dr. Russ McKendry is providing crucial perspectives and instruction about what Christianity has to say about what makes marriage joyful and fulfilling or heartbreaking and even destructive.
Oct 12, 2022
54 min
Faith and Marriage - Identity and Intimacy (Part 3)
Most of us realize that marriage can be “the best of times and the worst of times.” Yet, many today haven’t seriously considered what causes those two drastically different outcomes. In this series, Dr. Russ McKendry is providing crucial perspectives and instruction about what Christianity has to say about what makes marriage joyful and fulfilling or heartbreaking and even destructive.
Oct 12, 2022
50 min
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