Don’t become so comfortable in your little tank that you never develop into more than what you are.
Aug 16, 2022
5 min

It’s the brevity of life that makes life so precious and our gift so valuable. The amazing people in your life become more amazing when you realize that you only have a limited amount of time with them. It’s the things that we enjoy in life that we enjoy even more, when we realize that one they’ll be gone.
Aug 8, 2022
5 min

Proverbs 29 says where there is no vision, the people perish, or in other words throw off restraint. Meaning that when you don’t have a vision, you have no structure, guidelines, or boundaries in which you live. Your life is loose and directionless.
Aug 1, 2022
7 min

Psalms 68:19 says that the Lord daily loads us with benefits. With love, grace, mercy, forgiveness, protection, peace, and healing. BUT, how much do we actually thank Him for?
Jul 25, 2022
13 min

A seed is simply a replica or reproduction of the plant that it came from. The miraculous thing about the seed is there is so much more to the seed on the inside than what it looks like on the outside.
You can find the transcript for this podcast here: https://www.coachwithken.com/blog/thepotentialofaseed
Jul 19, 2022
8 min

If you feel that you are stuck in your relationship, job, or any area of your life, then this episode is for you. We all find ourselves stuck in a rut at some point in our lives, but it's what we do about it that determines how long we stay in the rut.
You can find the transcript for this episode here:
Jul 11, 2022
8 min

Just like boundaries establish a sense of order in the world. It’s important that we establish a sense of order in our lives by setting healthy boundaries.
You can find the transcript for this podcast here:
Thanks for listening!
Jul 6, 2022
11 min

We all have a past. Unfortunately for some of us, our past is still so present. God doesn't care about how ugly your past is. The life that you are living NOW is the life that He wants to use for His glory! It's time to Move Past Your Past!
You can find the transcript for the podcast here:
Thank you for listening!
Jul 6, 2022
8 min

In this very first episode, I want to share a little backstory about me and my journey to becoming a life coach.
You can find the transcript for this podcast here:
Thanks for listening!
Jul 5, 2022
12 min