Kandidly Keshia
Kandidly Keshia
via Podcasts
Love your podcast
It’s awesome to hear and learn different things from a lot of actresses!!
DanYiel Teflon
Greatest Female Actress/ entrepreneur
I’m literally your biggest fan and that just happen like last month and now I spend all my days trying to catch up with your podcast because I’m so behind... keep doing what your doing u have inspired me in ways that u can’t even imagine ❤️❤️❤️❤️
This is THE only podcast that I listen to. I love that Kesh is unapologetically uncut on absolutely every topic discussed on her podcast. My favorite of her friends/guest hosts are Tracy Nicole and Monyetta Shaw. I feel like I’m in the studio with them every time I listen. Even her engineer James is hilarious in a quiet kind of way. My favorite podcast is when she had almost all of her crew on as guest host. I’m actually disappointed if Kesh skips a week of podcasting. She’s my shot of tequila after a long work week! 😘
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Can we get some new guests?
I enjoy the podcast but recently it seems that they always have the same guest over and over again. It literally is Mom, Shari, her brothers, Tracy, and her friends. There is nobody different. I really hope this changes soon....
One step at a time.
This is my first time listening to this podcast and while I am not complete I love the concept of doing all this stuff one step at a time. Keisha is a highly intelligent young women and I am glad she is sharing her voice with us all.
keem etc
Awesome Podcast
Keshia host of Kandidly Keshia highlights all aspects of society and culture in this can’t miss podcast. The host and expert guests offer insightful advice that is helpful to anyone that listens!
Brooke Craven
I don't want to hear anything from the woman standing by a man who admitted to giving women drugs. He did it. She's not someone you need to listen to. Stop it. Unsubscribe right now.
Love it
Excellent show l was hooked from the beginning the episode with Bud was hilarious. 😂😂😂
Love, Love, Love it!
As a 30+ year radio host, listening to your show is like listening to the good neighbor next door, Friendly, Trusted and Conversational. Keep it up, Rick Party
Rick Party Show
Go Rudy!
Loving the podcast. Great to hear more from her and Ed regarding her wedding.
I love it!
Great podcast...pleasantly surprised!
So glad to have another cool podcast to add to my list. This podcast is fun, lighthearted and talks about real issues. Love it so far! Awesome job Keshia!👍🏽
Love it.
Patiently awaited the most intimate way to get to know Keisha. Thorough enjoyed it. Looking forward to more😉.
Great Start
I am glad that she is doing something different and I feel as each show she will get better and better. She seems so down to earth and you can relate to her. You can not say these things about a lot of people in her industry. #bossthings keep up the good work...glad I got to write the first review on iTunes....haha