Justified Podcast
Justified Podcast
Bald Move
via Podcasts
Sandy didn’t take the book she took his money!
Love Bald Move
Another great review for another great show.
Anarchist Cat
Great podcast
This was the best Justified podcast out there. Made watching the show even more enjoyable.
Best TV Review Podcasts Online
Bald Move has the best TV podcasts by far, and I have listened to them all. The hosts love the shows they review, have thoughtful and interesting takes on the material, and respect the listeners. Their podcasts are in depth and entertaining. They do not yuk it up, have too many hosts, or overproduce their podcasts, like those idiots at AfterBuzzTV. This is the one to listen to.
This podcast does not aplex me
So happy Jim and A.Ron are covering Justified’s final season. I really like the character-based discussion instead of the recap-style podcast.
Love what these guys do.
Terrific podcast for a terrific show.
Love the podcast!!! Jim and ARon always do a great job. Thanks for the hard work guys.
So glad!
I am so glad you guys decided to pick Justified back up. Awesome job as always!
It's Back!!!!
So glad this awesome podcast is back for the final season of one of my favorite shows!!!
Great cast!
Bald Move is great. If you like tv. And you like talking about it, bald move is the place to be. Thx guys
Anticipating this show's revival.
Now that the guys are full time and Justified is approaching its final season, it's time to welcome back the podcast just in time to say goodbye. Also hope the past seasons are revisited and given the coverage they deserve because podcasts that are devoted to certain shows do open eyes to what they're missing. I understand it's a lot of time and difficult when you know of future events, but as a listener, it would be entertaining.
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Bring It Back!!
One season left, I am begging you please do the podcast one more time!!!
Not really fans.
Nice try but you fall way short. You guys are obviously not fans of Justified. You don't know the show or the characters. If you're going to talk about the show, you really should know what you're talking about.
They bailed on this podcast.
They used to do a great podcast on this show. It was the best of the Justified Podcasts. But they stopped doing it and folded in a much shorter discussion of the week's show into a podcast with a disappointing jumbled mix of other TV shows. So the 5 stars was for the old 'cast.
Great podcast that needs more love
As always, Jim and A.Ron deliver smart analyses in a funny, entertaining way. I can't really say enough about how well these two work together. In my opinion, their chemistry is perfect for podcasting. And as one user put it, "I could listen to these two recap a phone book." Well, maybe I wouldn't go that far, but I think their casts are great for listening to even ten times over, unlike others that I just suffer through to get my fix (Breaking Bad Insider comes to mind). Jim and A.Ron deliver something unique, and their dedication to listener feedback fosters a community that really makes their shows more entertaining. As a side note, I hopped on the Justified bandwagon after listening to Jim and A.Ron's other podcasts. I was a little outraged to hear one week that they got NO feedback, while The Walking Dead--one of the most frustrating shows on television--rakes in 10 million viewers a week along with overwhelming listener feedback. Justified is a seriously underrated show, and I'm hoping the audience for this podcast will grow, because as Jim and A.Ron have said before, they don't review bad television.
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Problem Dawg
Terrible Podcast
Not only can these guys not pronounce anything correctly, they are smug, no- talent folks trying to cash in on someone else's creative success.
Yo mamma
This podcast is JUSTIFIED!
Baldmove Guys Rock
I tore through this cast well after watching Justified, enjoyed the heck out of it and it reinvigorated my enthusiasm for the show. Baldmove guys need to cast for everything I watch and maybe do some casts for books too.
BaldMove Fanatic
Excellent podcast
I listen to 4 Bald Move podcasts for tv shows Mad Men, Justified, Game of Thrones and Walking Dead. It's the best antidote to rush hour traffic and A. Ron, Jim and Mad Brew keep me laughing the whole way. Subscribe and you won't be disappointed. Technical quality is much better than most podcasts, and the guys have excellent insight. So glad they started watching Justifed this year!!
Great podcast...awesome tv show
Ser DPace
Fantastic Podcast.
Justified is a brilliant show, one of the best things on TV right now - right up there with Mad Men, Game Of Throne and Spartacus, for me - and this podcast is a perfect accompaniment. I really enjoy you guys. Well done.
Another Great Bald Move Production!
The Bald Move crew does get podcasts for Game of Thrones, Mad Men, Breaking Bad, Justified, and The Walking Dead. All of them are fantastic and add to my enjoyment of the shows. If you’re a fan of any of those shows check out their podcasts, you won’t be sorry!
Best podcast
Love the podcast. It rocks. I have strong ties to a county adjacent to Harlan. I would hope to be able to offer additional perspective to next season, while being vague enough to not incriminate my peeps.
Darkness on the Edge of Harlan
Justified-bald move
Best Justified Podcast
Hey guys, I love your podcast. I recently found your Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, and Mad Men podcasts and was excited to see you also have a podcast for Justified. I love hearing your analysis and comparing it with my own take on the episode. Please keep covering this show as well as the others mentioned.
Jim and A.Ron are great. The perform a great service for Justified fans.
Great Fun!
Lots of fun reviewing the show listening to the 'cast. We're kind of taking Rayland's side in his interactions with the Bad guys, and that's fine with us. Thanks for the hard work,bobby shovel
best podcast ever!!
these guys are funny, insightful, and add an extra dimension to every episode. i can't enjoy an episode without these guys analysis on every show. Excellent!!!!
Grade A podcasters!
A.Ron and Jim are a great team. They have a great rapport together, and make all of there shows fun, and interesting. They bring out aspects in the show I did not see, and aren't over praiseworthy. They see the show how it is. Thanks guys!
Best podcast about the best show out there. Thanks guys!
Excellent cast!
Followed you guys from BB, love your work!
Enthusiastic but not all that insightful
This is the fan boy podcast. The guys love the show and methodically go through each episode. Ironically their podcast takes longer than the show itself. Although they have great enthusiasm, their insights tend to be superficial. My humble advice would be to tighten it up a bit. Look at your notes, condense it down, and then sit down and think a bit before you start recording the podcast. That way, you may have better insights rather than stream of consciousness, off the cuff thoughts. Still, you have to give them 5 stars for enthusiasm even if their insights are only about a 3. I average it out to be a 4.
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Good times!
Love this podcast! justified is one of my favorite shows and I enjoy listening to these two talk.....by the way one of these reviews said they didn't like the show....ummmmmmm that is way way way wrong these guys love Justified!
If only...
... They were fans of the show this might have some heart to it. Not sure why they are keeping it up, but they don't love this show.
Late to the game but the podcast is cool.
Who? Who?
Keep up the GREAT work!
Great podcast! I listen to and love the Walking Dead podcast. Can't wait for the Madmen cast!!! Keep up the great work!
Just the right amount of analytical breakdowns that don't come off as smug. Great work guys!!!
Good podcast!
Glad to have a good podcast to add to my enjoyment of Justified, which is probably tied with Breaking Bad for my favorite drama at the moment. I'll have to check out their BB podcast sometime too. The audio quality is excellent, and the recaps and discussion are interesting. I appreciate that they give ample warning before discussing previews/spoilers, so anyone not wanting to hear that knows to turn it off. I really enjoyed the interview with Taylor Elmore as well. Hopefully they're able to have him back on, or some other writers or producers - or some cast members! Keep up the good work, guys.
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Always look forward...
You know you're obsessed with a TV show when just watching it isn't enough. You wanna talk about it, or at least listen to other people talk about it. I always look forward to this recap, especially when I'm confused about something that went down in the episode. Which happens when I zone out and get mesmerized by Raylan's, um, hat. Yea, his hat. Anyway, great podcast guys!! And the interview with Taylor Elmore was fantastic.
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Jim and A-Ron give a concise, honest appraisal of the episode in every cast. While big fans of the show, they still call BS when they see it. They provide insights into writing, camera work, plot devices and other parts of the creative process that some might miss. These boys are on it like a hound chasin' a rabbit through the holler! (My apologies to one Boyd Crowder.)
lucky to find this!!!
i didnt even know one of my favorite shows had a podcast, let alone one as good as this. these 2 guys are so good they actually might get me to watch breakin bad just to listen to their podcast on it. both guys are funny and know their stuff. keep it up, you have a new fan guys!!
The Bald Move network is at the top of its game!
I first listened to Jim and A-Ron on their "Breaking Good" podcast and followed them over to their "Watching Dead" cast. Those two casts are great, but I think they are at the top of their game with the Justified podcast. Keep it up, guys. Can't wait to see them get even better with the Mad Men and Game of Thrones casts in the upcoming weeks!
Great Podcast
Jim and Aaron are the Dickie and Coover Bennett of the podcasting world. Okay, not really. Another great Bald Move podcast. I was already watching Breaking Bad and The Walking Dead before I started listening to the podcasts, but I started watching Justified after hearing that they were doing a show. Glad I did.
Brian of the Many Photos
Listen to it
Great podcast, just like all the others at bald move.
Getting better every week!
The guys are easy to listen to and have a good discussion about the episode and the characters. Just started listening to the Podcast from the beginning so it is fun to see their guesses as to what is going to happen having already seen future episodes already. I will have to check out their other podcasts. Good Job!!!
I wanted to enjoy this podcast but could only stand to listen to 2 1/2 of them. You guys don't know the characters or even how to pronounce Graham Yost's name. (long "o", rhymes with host). And which ever one of your guys doesn't like "procedurals," sorry this is so painful for you but maybe you need to recap something else. I wasn't familiar with the other podcasts they do, I don't watch the shows, and I have no desire to.
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I love this show, and really enjoy listening to this podcast break down the episode. I don't always agree with the host take on certain parts, but it is nice to hear another point of view.
Great podcast!
Great job with the podcast, I started listening to the Breaking Good podcast and Watching Dead and I love listening to these two discuss shows, funny, insightful, and very well done. I can't wait for them to start casting for Game of Thrones!
Very entertaining duo
These guys continue to do a great job of summarizing another great show. Keep up the good work!
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