Your source of confidence may be the reason you can maintain it!
May 25, 2021
15 min

When you were 18 they tell you to dream big! But they don’t tell you that 1001 things could deter you in the process. Listen to my story as I share with you a snippet of why I am so passionate about you redeeming the time by rediscovering your dreams and living them out with restored confidence!
May 17, 2021
18 min

You don’t need anyone to keep you from your goals...you can do it all by yourself! Unfortunately, we have ways in which we destroy our own path to success. Today, I want us to examine these self-sabotaging thoughts and behaviors and the mindset to change them!
May 8, 2021
21 min

I grew up viewing men as robots. Emotionless, hard, cold and task-oriented. After 15 years of marriage my husband has debunked these myths. It’s not just women who get exhausted from their roles, but men do to. They can get “leadership fatigue”. Find out what that means and share this with the men in your life to help keep them refueled for the strenuous task of serving their families.
Apr 26, 2021
40 min

Joe Detre is a coach, speaker, and trainer that has a passion to see leaders succeed at every level of life. Joe is a Retired Veteran with over 22 years of service in the US Army, 20 years of experience as an entrepreneur, and host of “Joe on the Mic Leader Talk” podcast. You can follow him on Spotify. Joe earned a John Maxwell Team Coaching Certification & a Bachelor’s degree in Interdisciplinary Studies focusing on Business Management and Leadership Coaching from Liberty University. Here are ways you can contact Joe: www.joedetre.com email: [email protected]. https://sociatap.com/josedetre/
Apr 19, 2021
27 min

“Go get it!” A mindset I have ascribed to and find no issue with UNTIL I get stressed. Overproduction has its down side and in this episode I share a brief lesson from my personal devotional time. Check it out.
Apr 13, 2021
10 min

We are on part 2 with Mark Billups. Join us as this music producer, podcaster, husband, and father drops some knowledge on parenting, marriage, and manhood. He made me run over my time because the conversation was just that good! I took notes and you will want to too! Listen in and subscribe!
Mar 29, 2021
32 min

Women receive a lot of attention on the topic of emotions. Today, I interview Mark Billups, a father and husband sharing his perspective on men, counseling, and emotions.
Mar 22, 2021
26 min

In this episode Leslie talks about the struggle of loneliness,acceptance, and triggers. How to live empowered in the midst of it all!
Mar 15, 2021
18 min

Being a single-parent was not in her plans, yet here she is...single-handedly homeschooling, running a business, being a mom, and starting a support group for single-parent mom's. Leslie speaks with her whole heart about the shock, hurt, pain, and process of healing from being married to being single.
Mar 8, 2021
24 min
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