The JTD Coaches Teens Podcast was created for teenagers. Every Tuesday, I will answer a question or talk about a subject that is important to them. I don’t have all the answers and I’m not an expert in everything. But If I don’t have the knowledge or expertise to answer a question, I will do my best to find someone who does. Sometimes I will be alone on the program and at other times I will bring in special guests to help me appropriately field questions.
This week a viewer asked why the entertainment industry produces programs like 13 Reasons Why. If you aren’t familiar with the show, it’s a program that some say negatively impacts the mental health of teenagers. It’s an important question. Suicide, sexual assault, violence, bullying, loneliness, dishonesty, revenge, and the objectification of young women are common themes in every episode.
Most adults have the emotional intelligence and coping skills to separate the dark side of movies, television, and videos games from the entertainment value. Most teenagers don’t. Scientific studies agree that the brain doesn’t fully develop until your mid-twenties. Throw in hormonal changes and the pressures of homework, friendship, dating, parents, and now COVID, and it may be difficult for some young people to sort fact from fiction.
Listen in as I answer the question from my perspective and provide some valuable resources for anyone affected by these issues.
Feb 24, 2021
13 min
Hi! My name is Joann Tierney-Daniels. I’m not a YouTube sensation. And if it sounds like I’m reading from a script, I am. But, this is an important message. I don’t want to screw it up. I’m a life and wellness coach, who has a passion for helping kids. Being a teenager has always been difficult. But being a teen during a global pandemic brings these challenges to an entirely different level. So, if you’re struggling with an issue, I want to give you a place to look for help. This program, called JTD Coaches Teens, is primarily for and about teenagers.
Although I’m not a teenager today, I was one once. And I’m the mother of 3 extremely loud teenage boys.
For many reasons, during my teenage years and into my twenties, I had very little self-confidence or esteem. I didn’t like myself very much. Worse, I felt unlovable. I used my body as a battleground. I struggled with eating disorders, and pulled out my hair one strand at a time.
Trust me, it wasn’t a good look for a teenage girl!
There were other times when I acted recklessly, hurt people, and made countless mistakes. As an adult, I now know everyone does. But as a kid, I was filled with guilt, which made me feel like a bad person, unworthy of love.
Your story may look nothing like mine. Maybe you’re feeling anxious because of COVID or need relationship, school, or family advice. Perhaps you want to discuss the social unrest in the world today. Maybe you just want to talk about the latest Marvel movie, YouTube video, or what’s trending on TikTok. We can. No topic is off limits.
I want you to know, regardless of what you want to talk about or what your story looks like, you’re not alone. I’m not a celebrity, YouTube star, doctor, or therapist. I’m simply a life and wellness coach, who cares about your wellbeing. I’m not suggesting that I know all the answers. I don’t. But I promise you, if I can’t answer a question or don’t have the knowledge or resources you need, I will do my best to try to find someone who does.
You see, I’m not alone either. There are countless adults, like me, who are standing in the shadows and want to ensure you’re doing OK too. Their stories may sound closer to yours than mine does. Some of these people have endured unimaginable horrors. Some grew up in homes overshadowed by domestic violence. Some were molested as children. Others were tortured. Raped. Imprisoned. Starved. Bullied. Or neglected.
Of course, these are extreme instances. They are heartbreaking But unfortunately sometimes life is unfair and extreme. Every Tuesday, I will talk about something you want to discuss. I will answer your questions, listen to your recommendations, provide resources, and invite guests to the program who have expertise or experience in the subjects you’ve chosen. Simply, email your questions, suggested topics, and concerns to [email protected]. Then subscribe, listen, and leave the rest up to me.
Feb 16, 2021
3 min