Journey To Launch
Journey To Launch
Jamila Souffrant
Journey To Launch
Jamila Souffrant
Jamila Souffrant is a Certified Financial Education Instructor (CFEI), host of the Journey To Launch podcast and author of "Your Journey to Financial Freedom: A Step-By-Step Guide to Achieving Wealth and Happiness". The Journey To Launch podcast explores all aspects of reaching Financial Freedom; from increasing income, paying off debt, investing, saving & learning how to retire early and wealthy. The book, "Your Journey to Financial Freedom: A Step-By-Step Guide to Achieving Wealth and Happiness," shows you how to skyrocket your savings, blast through debt and ultimately accelerate your unique and truly epic journey to financial freedom and independence. The audiobook, which is narrated by Jamila, and the eBook are available in the Apple store. As a money expert who “walks her talk” she helps brave listeners also known as Journeyers; gain clarity around their finances and create an actionable plan to reach their goals. Her mission is to teach, inspire and help others reach Financial Freedom and Financial Independence.
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7 days ago
April 24
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