John and Garnett Podcast Podcast
John and Garnett Podcast
John Davison/Garnett Lee
John and Garnett Podcast
John Davison/Garnett Lee
Years ago, John Davison and Garnett Lee were half of the lineup of the popular 1UP Yours podcast. Now, they live hundreds of miles apart - but still get together to talk about videogames whenever possible.John lives in the Bay Area while Garnett lives in Los Angeles, and has his own weekly podcast called Garnett on Games. Every Wednesday they get together for a live Google Hangout to chat about games, and then they post the audio as a podcast the following day. Each show they talk about gaming news, what they've been playing, the state of the games business, and answer questions from the community.
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
± 12 days
Latest episode
10 years ago
August 15, 2014
All content for John and Garnett Podcast is the property of John Davison/Garnett Lee and is served directly from their servers with no modification, redirects, or rehosting. The podcast is not affiliated with or endorsed by Podbay in any way.