Jeffery Saddoris: Almost Everything Podcast
Jeffery Saddoris: Almost Everything
Jeffery Saddoris
Iteration 80: Once More Around the Sun - episode of Jeffery Saddoris: Almost Everything podcast

Iteration 80: Once More Around the Sun

2 minutes Posted Jan 8, 2023 at 11:00 pm.
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Adrianne and I were out walking Cooper earlier and I asked her whether there was a single event that made her 2022 memorable. She thought about it for a moment as we walked and said, “Honestly, I can’t think of anything. Can you?” I tried to scrub through the previous twelve months in my mind and I drew a blank too. Nothing stood out. I mean, there are a ton of things that came to mind, like another year of Covid, another year of humans failing the environment, Congress, the Supreme Court, Brexit, China, Russia, Ukraine, Twitter. I could go on, but none of the things I would come up with feel very personal. They affect all of us in one form or another. When we got back to the house, Adrianne asked if she could read me a poem that one of her friends sent her. It’s an anonymous poem that was on the Plague Poems Twitter feed.

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