It's me, Sam. Podcast

It's me, Sam.

Samantha Mason
Hey! I'm Sam. I'm a Jesus follower. Single parent. Single foster parent. 4 total kids. I got married, divorced, married again, and then divorced again. I'm a domestic violence and narcissist survivor. God has worked in my life in amazing ways. I've chosen this platform to share my stories. When you get tired of hearing me talk, no worries, I'll have guests on regularly for them to share their stories. I've got some stuff to talk about. I'm glad you're listening.
dont get the covid. (sixty-sixth episode)
[email protected] I missed ya'all more than I miss using the bathroom without a kid being in there with me. Take care of yourselves and be safe.
Jul 3, 2020
1 hr 5 min
It's OK to respond. (sixty-fifth episode)
I'm the most unreliable podcaster you know! Maybe I'll do better. Probably not, but I love ya'all anyway. Hope you're holding it together quarantine-style. Get ahold of me if you need help. Thanks pals.
Apr 30, 2020
56 min
new year, same trainwreck. (sixty-fourth episode)
Happy New Year! I'm back! Thanks for listening. Love ya'all more than Sunday naps.
Jan 20, 2020
1 hr 4 min
we had to break-up. (sixty-third episode)
Follow my weight loss and health efforts at on Instagram. Warning: If you listen on speaker with your kids in the room, probably dont do that towards around 45 minutes to the end. Thanks for listening. Tell a friend, leave a rating, and help me grow this podcast so I can keep paying to taxi my kids everywhere, everyday. Thanks. I love ya'all more than chewing ice.
Oct 8, 2019
48 min
You were created for a reason. (sixty-second episode)
correction: insulin, not penicillin at about 37 minutes. I'm an idiot. Sorry. also, I have it from a good source that homemade iced coffee is not the same as what I'm buying in the store. I'll elaborate more later. carry on. love ya more than Lee's pork cracklins from the shady Valero on West 3rd (they're so good, but you're better!)
Sep 20, 2019
58 min
online dating and accountability (sixty-first episode)
Listen to my newest episode and discover more great content from my show!
Sep 9, 2019
1 hr 1 min
I hope you don't think that I'm trashy, but it's ok if you do. (sixtieth episode)
I turned 37 years old. I'm no longer a smoker. I no longer drink alcohol. I'm thankful to eliminate secret habits from my life. I'm thankful for this platform to share about my life and I hope and pray that my words are helpful to even just one person. Being vulnerable sucks. But I'll keep doing it if it means that maybe I could help someone. Contact me: [email protected] Thanks for listening. I love ya'all more than the first day of school.
Aug 13, 2019
1 hr
I'm not a feminist. (fifty-ninth episode)
I recorded this episode before the tragic mass shooting on August 4th in one of my favorite spots, the Oregon District in Dayton, Ohio. If you're the praying type, please pray that God would be near the families of the victims, those that were injured, those who left uninjured but will have a difficult emotional recovery, and for the city of Dayton. Thanks pals.
Aug 6, 2019
1 hr 2 min
slide into my dm's. (fifty-eighth episode)
Listen to my newest episode and discover more great content from my show!
Jul 31, 2019
58 min
Help me! What about eyelash extensions and fake hair? (fifty-seventh episode)
We live in a society that makes demands on how women should look literally from the hair on our head, down to our toenails and every part in between. I typically look like a homeless troll who could use a nap, but I am spending a big pile of money to have straight teeth, so maybe I'm caught up in societal standards more than I realize. Where do you fall? And for Christians, how do we handle the expectations of this world without getting too "caught up?" How much is too much? I love ya'all more than garage sales. Thanks for listening. . I'd love to hear your thoughts. [email protected].
Jun 25, 2019
55 min
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