It's Like Poetry. It Rhymes Podcast

It's Like Poetry. It Rhymes

Mason West
You know the old adage. Nobody hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans. Join Mason and Rachel as they deconstruct movie tropes, superheroes, Star Wars and other nerd lore. Did this description sell you on listening? No? Oh well. I suck at descriptions but the podcast is reasonably entertaining, I swear.
This is Where the Fun Begins
In the first episode of "It's Like Poetry" Mason and Rachel do what all Star Wars fan do best and complain about Star Wars! We discuss the Solo trailer and the criminal lack of Han Solo pointing, why Kylo Ren acting like edgelord makes him the most interesting characters in the Star Wars saga and lastly we discuss why Rachel feels that the women in Black Panther are better characters/role models than the women in Wonder Woman. So listen! Or don't. I'm not your mother. But actually please listen it took me like 96 hours to edit this thing.
Apr 30, 2018
2 hr 13 min