It's Debatable! Podcast

It's Debatable!

Doug and Schramm
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An improv comedy show where we debate anything and everything, just for the sake of arguing. Each new episode features a debate topic, past debates have been anywhere from "Better Father? Putin vs Trump" to "Haircut for life? Mullet vs Manbun" and everything in between. We have a guest judge to keep the peace, ask questions, and to decide the winner! Rate, review and follow us on Twitter @weliketodebate and on instagram @itsdebatablepod. You can also leave a comment to offer new debate ideas or let us know if you agree with the winner! Visit our website Support this podcast:
Would You Sell a Nut for $35,000?
This topic is something so current in today's age because people are all about making a quick buck. Our Producer/Engineer/Regular Judge Jeff saw an article about men selling a testicle for $35,000, so he thought it would be a great topic. P.S  I do wish I could see his browser history because I know this isn't the worst thing he's read. So will Jeff side with Doug who doesn't want to give away something that is his or Schramm using that quick cash for a down payment on a house.  Listen now! Do you agree with our judge? Let us know on Twitter @weliketodebate; or check out our Instagram @itsdebatablepod for some exclusive in-studio content.  out our new website  If you are a looking for a drop like we had in this episode, reach out to Nightlife Audio and ask for James at --- Support this podcast:
Jun 28, 2019
21 min
Live in One Forever? Day vs Night
We are back and we were thinking about what some parts of the Earth deal with on a larger scale,  if you had to live in daytime forever(Schramm) vs nighttime forever(Doug).  We brought in our resident Judge Chris Kelly who has experience in both since he might be a secret agent....keyword "might".  Will he decide that it's only right to grill during the day or will he want to play hide and seek whenever he damn well pleases. Listen to find out!   Do you agree with our judge? Let us know on Twitter @weliketodebate; or check out our Instagram @itsdebatablepod for some exclusive in-studio content.  Check out our new website  If you are a looking for a drop like we had in this episode, reach out to Nightlife Audio and ask for James at --- Support this podcast:
Jun 21, 2019
26 min
Third Wish? Release the Genie vs Be Selfish
Our producer/engineer/judge Jeff, has been on a bit a Disney binge lately and one in particular really left him pondering.  Would he in that same situation have chosen to release the genie(Doug) or be selfish by using that third wish on himself(Schramm).  We debated it and it went in all different directions for sure.  Will Jeff choose to give the Genie a shot at his own life or choose to use that last wish on a palace? Listen to find out.    Do you agree with our judge? Let us know on Twitter @weliketodebate; or check out our Instagram @itsdebatablepod for some exclusive in-studio content.  Check out our new website  If you are a looking for a drop like we had in this episode, reach out to Nightlife Audio and ask for James at --- Support this podcast:
Jun 7, 2019
22 min
Celebrity Business Partner? Diddy vs Will Smith
We are back discussing your future in business...yeah you, the person reading this.  So we will help you decide which celebrity you should go into business with between Diddy(Doug) vs Will Smith(Schramm).  Judge Tom is here for this Zoom debate with Jeff our engineer/producer helping out. Will Tom decide to kung fu fight or to ride the coasters? (When you listen you will get these references).     Do you agree with our judge? Let us know on Twitter @weliketodebate; or check out our Instagram @itsdebatablepod for some exclusive in-studio content.  Check out our new website  If you are a looking for a drop like we had in this episode, reach out to Nightlife Audio and ask for James at --- Support this podcast:
May 31, 2019
30 min
Better Memorial Day Weekend? Beach vs Community Pool
It's Memorial Day Weekend, so why not let us help you decide where to go to escape your lives during this kick off to summer?  Judge Jeff is here to choose between the options of Beach(Schramm) vs Community Pool(Doug).  Will he choose taking his well packed cooler for some serenity or decide partying at the pool with snowcones?  Listen to find out.   Do you agree with our judge? Let us know on Twitter @weliketodebate; or check out our Instagram @itsdebatablepod for some exclusive in-studio content.  Check out our new website  If you are a looking for a drop like we had in this episode, reach out to Nightlife Audio and ask for James at --- Support this podcast:
May 24, 2019
22 min
Rather Be? Singer vs Guitarist vs Drummer
Who didn't grow up dreaming about being in a rock band?   Well Judge Jeff dusted off his gavel to decide this epic 3 way showdown between the Singer(Doug), Guitarist(Schramm), or Drummer(Joey)? Will he side with being the front man who slays the women, the one who shreds then eats steak after the show, or the drummer who can escape the spotlight in retirement? Listen here! Do you agree with our judge? Let us know on Twitter @weliketodebate; or check out our Instagram @itsdebatablepod for some exclusive in-studio content.  Check out our new website  If you are a looking for a drop like we had in this episode, reach out to Nightlife Audio and ask for James at --- Support this podcast:
May 17, 2019
24 min
Less Acceptable as an Adult? Wrestling vs Video Games
For the 1st time ever one of our regular debaters, Doug, decided he wants to take a stab on Judging.  So this week Jamie stepped up to plate to face off with Schramm one on one with the topic being...Which is less acceptable as an adult? Wrestling(Jamie) vs Video Games(Schramm).  Will Judge Doug side with wrestling soap opera or decide to escape into a fantasy world.  Listen to find out! Do you agree with our judge? Let us know on Twitter @weliketodebate; or check out our Instagram @itsdebatablepod for some exclusive in-studio content.  Check out our new website  If you are a looking for a drop like we had in this episode, reach out to Nightlife Audio and ask for James at --- Support this podcast:
May 10, 2019
25 min
Where to Time Travel To? The Past vs The Future
We are back discussing a topic that has come up before in our younger years drinking til 6 am, so we thought we would debate it for you.  Judge Erik is in charge of deciding if it would be better to time travel to the past(Doug) or the future(Schramm).  Will Erik side with traveling to something that already happened or decide to see what is in store for society? Listen here to find out! Do you agree with our judge? Let us know on Twitter @weliketodebate; or check out our Instagram @itsdebatablepod for some exclusive in-studio content.  Check out our new website  If you are a looking for a drop like we had in this episode, reach out to Nightlife Audio and ask for James at --- Support this podcast:
May 3, 2019
27 min
Would You Rather Be....? Shrunk vs Blown up
This week our Judge Joey Jaghab asked us a question that everyone thought about growing up while watching the "Honey I Shrunk the Kids" Franchise, would you rather be Shrunk(Schramm) or Blown up(Doug)?  Will he choose to side with being so tiny you can do what you want or go with having the size to make an impact on the world.  Listen to find out!  Write us a review and tell your friends about us! Do you agree with our judge? Let us know on Twitter @weliketodebate; or check out our Instagram @itsdebatablepod for some exclusive in-studio content.    Check out our new website  If you are a looking for a drop like we had in this episode, reach out to Nightlife Audio and ask for James at --- Support this podcast:
Apr 26, 2019
18 min
Better Life Coach? Elmo vs Oscar the Grouch
It's Debatable has a mission to find out who is the "Tony Robbins" of Sesame Street.  So we called in  Judge Jamie Riccardi to decide between Elmo(Schramm) and Oscar the Grouch(Doug).  Will he choose to go with the inspiration of asking to be tickled or choose the metaphor of trash being something other then....well TRASH!  Listen to find out! Do you agree with our judge? Let us know on Twitter @weliketodebate; or check out our Instagram @itsdebatablepod for some exclusive in-studio content.   Check out our new website  If you are a looking for a drop like we had in this episode, reach out to Nightlife Audio and ask for James at --- Support this podcast:
Apr 19, 2019
21 min
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