It's All About Healing Podcast

It's All About Healing

Robin Black
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I'm here to impact the lives of others and provide support from a spiritual and psychological view. If you're ready to talk, I'm ready to listen. My mission is to improve mental health and help heal humanity one topic at a time. It's all about healing, moving forward, and refusing to be anyone but you. If you are interested in being a guest, please visit my website: If you feel led to sow into this podcast, it is greatly appreciated: Cash app: $Allabouthealing
Enjoyment Deferred: Episode 60
The hardest thing to do sometimes, is enjoy life in the middle of our storms. We fall into going through the motions instead of living life. Support the show
Sep 7, 2022
12 min
Second Chances (Interview with Tie Game Michael): Episode 58
Life, second chances, and dealing with relationship adversities. Support the show
Sep 2, 2022
28 min
The Only Answer: Episode 57
The pain of not being able to grieve from the world's negativity. Fighting endless painful battles trying to make it each day. What does this do to your mental state of mind? Support the show
Sep 2, 2022
8 min
Teaching Our Children vs. Controlling Our Children: Episode 56
It's ok to say I don't know, when you don't have the answerSupport the show
Sep 1, 2022
13 min
Lord, Deliver Me: Episode 55
My battle with depression, my testimony. The lord can bring you out of your darkest moments, never feel as if there is no way out. Never easy to share, but it's all apart of healing Support the show
Aug 31, 2022
8 min
Back By Popular Demand: Episode 54
Living by popularity vs. character: It's not always about numbers, likes, and followers, it's about stay focus, so you don't lose sight of your purpose and why you're here in the first place. God knows your beginning and your end, why not always go directly to the source. Support the show
Aug 27, 2022
16 min
Protecting Our Youth (Interview with Chris): Episode 53
Chris is a podcast host, contractor for PPLD in Colorado. Chris wanted to share his thoughts and views in regard to protecting our youth. If society as a whole could come together and try to lift everyone up for the greater good, instead of promoting negativity. Support the show
Aug 22, 2022
27 min
Underestimated Reality: Episode 52
Expectations equals frustrations; however, we tend to always underestimate reality. Why we react vs. respond. Support the show
Aug 21, 2022
9 min
What Lies Beneath the Smiles: Episode 51
As we endure tough times, rather it be suicidal thoughts, trauma, sexual bonds, we feel alone and feel as though no one will ever understand and there is no point in being here anymore. I understand, and I have been there. The very things that the enemy tries to use to break us, are the very things that the lord is using to make us! Try to own it, that way the enemy has no leverage and can't use anything against you. Support the show
Aug 21, 2022
24 min
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