Isolated Podcast
Sudden Productions
Sudden Productions
Everybody wants to hear stories that relate to them, and young people are no exception. Stories from their friends and inner circles. Stories from their classmates and other peers. Stories that take them on an emotional journey; laughter and sadness; wonder and disbelief; compassion and empathy. « Isolated » focuses on the emotional, strange time of lockdown and COVID-19, taking listeners through a series that not only speaks into intimacy and loneliness, joy and sadness, agitation and meaning—a true reflection of daily teenage life. Sharing powerful stories on the varying but also unifying experiences of teenagers during this very strange time in history, « Isolated » discusses how new hobbies, sibling relationships, forming bonds with strangers online, social media, binge-worthy TV, and homeschooling formed the foundation of life—with the powerlessness of watching as COVID-19 figures continued to rise without any real answers from the government an overwhelming shadow. We welcome you to « Isolated ». Suitable for ages 10+ years. Available on all major podcast platforms.
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2 years ago
May 4, 2023
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