Is This a Thing? Podcast

Is This a Thing?

Marc Bromaghim-Oropeza, Dan Jacobson, Akshat Arneja
A weekly discussion on whether things people do, or things we experience, are actual things. Can you pick your nose? Do people really take super hot showers? Can you have soup for dinner? These episodes chronicle these questions, and try to reach some sort of judgements. Judgements are final, and also meaningless. If someone loses an argument, they have an opportunity to defend themselves on our website Hosted by Marc Bromaghim-Oropeza, Akshat Arneja, and Dan Jacobson
Episode 62: BONUS RANT #7: High School
<p>Special thanks to <a target="_blank" href="">Taylor Higgins</a> for our logo</p> Bonus Rant #7: High SchoolThere's no episode this week, so instead, listen to this week's Bonus Rant!This time, the guys talk about High School.Why it rocked. Why it sucked.Why Dan wanted to fight or fuck everything.Why we wouldn't go back. Special thanks to Fletcher Magellan for our theme song, "Oh, No!" off his upcoming album. Listen to it, and other singles like it on his Soundcloud.
Jun 20, 2017
5 min
Episode 61: #55 Please Listen to this Mark Zuckerberg
<p>Special thanks to <a target="_blank" href="">Taylor Higgins</a> for our logo</p> It's Episode 55 of the Is This A Thing? Podcast!"Please Listen to this Mark Zuckerberg"Starring: Marc, Dan, and AkshatPotential Things This Week: MetaLimbs: The guys remember this classic adage: When everyone is Doctor Octopus, no one is Doctor Octopus. Shitty Art Facebook: A way to peer review all the shitty art you see on your Facebook feeds.Virtual Jigsaw Puzzles: Jigsaw puzzles without all the best parts: the terrible dust, the missing/eaten pieces, the sense of satisfaction when someone else puts in the last piece...It's episode 55 of the Is This A Thing Podcast! Sorry we missed you last week, Akshat was too busy grading papers, Marc was too busy eating papers, and Dan was probably turning those papers into some sort of bespoke bullshit. This week we talk about MetaLimbs. They're the best new invention for accidentally punching yourself in the balls. Then, we talk about a Facebook approval tool that would get the shitty art off Facebook. Finally, ya boi Young Griff writes in to ask about Jigsaw Puzzles. Don't worry. Daddy always gets a taste.Is This A Thing? Special thanks to Fletcher Magellan for our theme song, "Oh, No!" from his album Became a Stranger. Listen to it on his Bandcamp or Spotify, and follow him on Facebook for more information about show dates and tour information. 
Jun 14, 2017
1 hr 3 min
Episode 60: #54 Dan's Dirtbag Diaries: Sean Penn's Pudding Wand
<p>Special thanks to <a target="_blank" href="">Taylor Higgins</a> for our logo</p> It's Episode 54 of the Is This A Thing? Podcast!"Dan's Dirtbag Diaries: Sean Penn's Pudding Wand"Starring: Marc, Dan, and AkshatPotential Things This Week: Separate Screenings: Hear the issue that men won't stop talking about, mostly because it doesn't fucking concern them.Cafeteria Etiquette: Akshat just wants to be left alone. So please leave him and his pudding wand alone.Promposals: Get down on one knee, and then do an elaborate coreographed routine or your high school girlfriend won't go to prom with you.It's episode 54 of the Is This A Thing Podcast! It's another page in Dan's Dirtbag Diaries today, so strap in. We start off with talking about the Alamo Drafthouse doing separate screenings for women only to watch Wonder Woman. Naturally, men find a way to make it about them instead. Then, Akshat tells us about a rule he'd like to see become a part of cafeterias. Don't ask about empty seats, assume that they're either full, or you're not welcome. Finally, we attempt to talk about promposals, before getting sidetracked from Dan's high school experience.Is This A Thing? Special thanks to Fletcher Magellan for our theme song, "Oh, No!" from his album Became a Stranger. Listen to it on his Bandcamp or Spotify, and follow him on Facebook for more information about show dates and tour information. 
May 30, 2017
57 min
Episode 59: #53 R.L. Stein's: "The Juice is Loose"
<p>Special thanks to <a target="_blank" href="">Taylor Higgins</a> for our logo</p> It's Episode 53 of the Is This A Thing? Podcast!"R.L. Stein's: "The Juice is Loose"Starring: Marc, Dan, and AkshatPotential Things This Week: Alarm Clocks: They haven't been that effective... UNTIL NOW! New, from Daddy Gets a Taste, R.L. Stein's Spooky Alarm Clock: The VR Experience! You'll never sleep again!BummedPer Stickers: Bumper stickers that will let the outside world know just how sad you are all the time.Romphims: We delve into the world of Male Rompers. They're like female rompers, but somehow more exclusionary.Umbrellas: How have we gone a million years without improving their basic design? Genghis Khan had better umbrellas.It's episode 53 of the Is This A Thing Podcast! Happy New Year! This is episode 53, and we're about to get really Juicy with it. One of our listeners told us that our podcast needed more Juice, so here it is. We start off with Alarm Clocks. Marc changes up the game by introducing VR alarm clocks. Then, Akshat tells us about his brush with a depressing bumper stickers. Don't worry, Daddy Gets a Taste. Next, TD Smith brings up Male Rompers, a fad sweeping the nation. We find out that Dan doesn't know what overalls are. And finally ya boi Young Griff brings up Umbrellas. Akshat hates those, and introduces the idea of Rain Law.Is This A Thing? Special thanks to Fletcher Magellan for our theme song, "Oh, No!" from his album Became a Stranger. Listen to it on his Bandcamp or Spotify, and follow him on Facebook for more information about show dates and tour information. 
May 24, 2017
52 min
Episode 58: #52 A Year In Review
<p>Special thanks to <a target="_blank" href="">Taylor Higgins</a> for our logo</p> It's Episode 52 of the Is This A Thing? Podcast!"A Year in Review"Starring: Marc, Dan, and AkshatPotential Things This Week: Soup: Marc thinks its not a meal. Akshat thinks it is. Dan thinks that curry is soup. At least one of us is absolutely wrong... It's Dan.Shoplifting: Good News: Dan has stopped littering. Bad News: Overall, he's only gotten worse. Much worse.Signed, Framed Pictures of Coworkers: It's creepy, but it would be worse if it were a picture of their family with Dan's head on all family members.It's episode 52 of the Is This A Thing Podcast! Last week was Dan Week, and I hope you celebrated as hard as we did. We celebrated by publishing an All Dan Extravaganza Episode #51, a Dan-centric Bonus Episode, and a new tab on our ITAT Articles Tab called "Dan Week." Make sure you catch up. This is week 52 of the podcast, and we're celebrating a year's worth of episodes by taking a look back at some old topics. Topics such as Duct Tape Wallets, Soup, 90 Degree Back-Ins, Littering, Going to Movies Alone, Popcorn, Hats, Decorating Office Spaces, Emergency $20s, Gendered Bathrooms, and more! Give us a listen and see how much personal growth (or decay) we've made in the past year! Thanks for listening!Is This A Thing? Special thanks to Fletcher Magellan for our theme song, "Oh, No!" from his album Became a Stranger. Listen to it on his Bandcamp or Spotify, and follow him on Facebook for more information about show dates and tour information. 
May 16, 2017
1 hr 3 min
Episode 57: BONUS RANT #6: Dan's Fam
<p>Special thanks to <a target="_blank" href="">Taylor Higgins</a> for our logo</p> BONUS RANT #6: Dan's FamIt's a Thursday, and that means BONUS CONTENT!This week's Bonus Rant is a bonus discussion featuring Dan's Parents. Featuring:Dan's mom saying "Fam". Dan's mom wants to hear "Get Low".Surgeons listening to "Get Low"Barbershop Quartet Medical SchoolToo stupid for the episode, just stupid enough for a BONUS RANT. Special thanks to Fletcher Magellan for our theme song, "Oh, No!" off his upcoming album. Listen to it, and other singles like it on his Soundcloud.
May 11, 2017
3 min
Episode 56: #51 Dan Week!
<p>Special thanks to <a target="_blank" href="">Taylor Higgins</a> for our logo</p> It's Episode 51 of the Is This A Thing? Podcast!"Dan Week!"Starring: Marc, Dan, and AkshatDan's Potential Things This Week: Leftovers: Remember when Dan ate all of Marc's leftovers after Marc's bachelor party? Neither does Dan apparently. But he does remember the way it made him feel... It was sexual. The Dan Method: Listen, as Dan has an actual, bonafide good idea. We were just as shocked as you. Make sure to use the Marc Maneuver though. Try it at home... for a price.Passwords: Is sharing your password with your significant other a thing? Should it be a thing? Are our significant others monsters for not docking their messaging app? Yes.It's episode 51 of the Is This A Thing Podcast! and Happy Dan Week!!! Have you hugged a Dan today?  This episode is all about Dan. He came up with the questions that would inspire a generation. Listen to Marc and Akshat in horror as they have to consider whatever comes out of his mouth. He starts with Leftovers. Is it okay to eat leftovers that aren't yours? What if they're Marc's? What if Marc was hungover the next day and really needed them? Also, listen as Dan discovers a fetish. Then, we learn about The Dan Method, which surprisingly isn't sexual at all. It is a special method of dealing with flights with a significant other, works even better after the trip! Finally, he asks about Password Sharing with your significant other. How many of their passwords do you know? How much do they know? How paranoid is Marc? Why are you asking questions? Who are you?Happy Dan Week, everybody!Is This A Thing? Special thanks to Fletcher Magellan for our theme song, "Oh, No!" from his album Became a Stranger. Listen to it on his Bandcamp or Spotify, and follow him on Facebook for more information about show dates and tour information. 
May 9, 2017
50 min
Episode 55: #50 Lil' Andy, the Pillow Pervert
<p>Special thanks to <a target="_blank" href="">Taylor Higgins</a> for our logo</p> It's Episode 50 of the Is This A Thing? Podcast!"Lil' Andy, the Pillow Pervert"Starring: Marc, Dan, and AkshatPotential Things This Week: Names: Are they really that hard? What makes them hard? Why is everybody named "Keith"? Why does everyone keep calling me Keith? Everyone is named Keith now. The LA Pillow Pervert: Is it his fault? Is it society's fault? Is it your fault for leaving your goddamn pillows on your open-air porch, writing a bitchy notice and putting it on a telephone pole?Hands in Jeans: Young Griff comes to us with the controversial question of the day. "Is walking around with your hands in your jeans a thing?" No. Please stop doing it.It's episode 50 of the Is This A Thing Podcast! Toldja we'd be back. This is an all listener episode. So if you don't like something, its probably your fault. We talk about names. Are they really that hard? Only if you hate human interaction. Are pillows fuckable? Yes. And its the owner's fault for leaving them out. Is putting your hands in your jean pockets a crime? Yes. Please call 9-1-1 on yourself. The police will be there shortly. This week, Dan sit's on his ass and lets Young Griff take over the kicker. Don't worry, next week is ALL DAN, ALL THE TIME.Lil' Andy, the Pillow PredatorIs This A Thing? Special thanks to Fletcher Magellan for our theme song, "Oh, No!" from his album Became a Stranger. Listen to it on his Bandcamp, and follow him on Facebook for more information about show dates and tour information. 
May 2, 2017
57 min
Episode 54: #49 Soccer Moms and Juggalo Dads
It's Episode 49 of the Is This A Thing? Podcast!"Juggalo Moms and Soccer Dads"Starring: Marc, Dan, and AkshatPotential Things This Week: Juggalo march on Washington: We're all marching, why not the Juggalos? Why not let them run the country? We're not here to make a political podcast; we've specifically been banned from doing that. Either way, they're marching, so if you're a fan of bad music and worse drinks, book a flight now. Intermissions in Movies: It's all about finding your favorite intermissionist, you know? Sure the Arclight in Hollywood costs 30 dollars a ticket. But Johnathan is an artist, and you can't put a price on art. Boneless Chicken Wings: Are they just chicken nuggets sold to adults. Well, we'll be the judge of that. On this podcast. It's basically the core concept. It's episode 49 of the Is This A Thing Podcast! We're back! Again! Seriously, for reals. We heard the wails, we heard the cries, we got constant letters from all around the world, and we finally relented. What were we doing while we were away? Wouldn't you like to know! Oh, you would? Well, Marc's started a co-op in his neighborhood, which is wonderful. Dan's been doing a lot of humanitarian work, building houses and stuff. He's very handy. Akshat's been spending his time volunteering at soup kitchens. Really giving back, you know? No seriously, we just pissed the time away doing fuck all. Whatever, you know? What, were we supposed to spending it doing something productive? What're you, our dads?  Special thanks to Fletcher Magellan for our theme song, "Oh, No!" from his album Became a Stranger. Listen to it on his Bandcamp, and follow him on Facebook for more information about show dates and tour information. 
Apr 25, 2017
52 min
Episode 53: #48 Reginald's Parking Lot
It's Episode 48 of the Is This A Thing? Podcast! "Reginald's Parking Lot"Starring: Marc, Dan, and Akshat! Potential Things This Week:New Year's Resolution: New Year, New You! Or, New Year, same old you because honestly, have you looked around? It's dark times. What's the point. Phone Cases: Has adulthood ruined the novelty of phone cases? Maybe. Maybe you can look at it that way. Or maybe you can get you a "get it" phone case, march into an interview, and get hired on the spot. Unemployment solved! You're welcome, Donald. Lightning Round!: It's Lightning Round Time! Where we go and explore the depths of twitter, and find the depths of humanity. This week starring Reginald. Problematic, probably should be in jail, Reginald. And if you though Reginald was bad, wait until you hear from someone in Florida!Listener Question!: Okay, not really. It's bots. It's bots all the way down. Bots have infiltrated our world, and they're producing poetry and winning the Nebula Prize. Had anyone checked to see if Tracy K. Smith is a robot? Just asking questions.Making Movies Better: How can you improve the move going experience? Well, shut up, for one. And where's the kid with my latte?    It's episode 48 of the Is This A Thing Podcast! Welcome back! This week, well, it's a wild one. We start off talking about weird, weird phone cases. Really weird. But that's okay, because we're saved by a crazy, lightning round. What more could you want? There's Reginald, and he's a fingerblasting aficionado. Hangs out in a Denny's parking lot. 10 cents a pop. Nice guy. Think that's bad? Well how about a maid of honor that manages to drink an entire bottle of liquor, and only gets violent when someone stops her from drinking the second bottle of liquor. All of it. There's a whole lot in between there. We then hear from some disingenuous listeners (they're bots) asking weird questions (seriously, they're like weird sex bots on SoundCloud). We finally talk about the movie going experience. How do we improve it? Mostly it's liquor. Maybe a catheter. We'll investigate. Come and join us!"That's her get it phone case"    Special thanks to Fletcher Magellan for our theme song, "Oh, No!" off his upcoming album Became a Stranger. Listen to it on his Bandcamp, and follow him on Facebook for more information about show dates and tour info
Jan 24, 2017
1 hr 14 min
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