New Start, Logan Paul, Vaginas and going to the Cinema by Ash
Jan 5, 2018
24 min

This weeks Podcast is shorter then normal.
In this weeks Is It Topical? we explore the US election, who will win Trump or Clinton. I get very poetic and write a poem about it plus a Haiku about this weeks hot ShowBiz News.
I found a story about a Vicar who loves orgies and mention the Chicago Cubs once.
If you want to know whats been happening this week then get aboard this topical train, its a free ride.
Nov 7, 2016
16 min

Episode 2: F you Canada, Gorillas and Mexican Farts by Ash
Oct 31, 2016
19 min

Is it topical? is a podcast about all things topical this week and some things that might not be.
In this first episode I interview a clown, discuss Kim K and look at the confusion about the UK's biggest vote to have breakfast.
We also make time for the irrelevant weather news and play Guess the sound.
So come on take a listen its free!!
Oct 13, 2016
24 min