Better Brain Fitness (a Brainjo Production)
Better Brain Fitness (a Brainjo Production)
Josh Turknett, MD
via Podcasts
Incredible content
Great content reference arguably the most important organ.
Are Trump and Biden mentally fit for office?
Thank you for the actual, non-political, beyond-sound-bite information, presented clearly and respectfully.
Jacques Roosteau
Listen and Share!
Thank you, Dr. Wood and Dr. Turknett for sharing your knowledge and passion for cognitive health! This is one of my favorite podcasts!
Great teamwork!
Great brain science & they go together good like Ben and Jerry's ice cream. But low carb.
Practical and informative!
I've learned about health matters every time Dr. Wood appears on a podcast and have enjoyed Dr. Turknett's brainjo bites series and his book. We are lucky that they have teamed up to address topics related to the brain. Each podcast gives concise, helpful information that we can act on to improve brain health. Highly recommended and a big thanks to Drs. Wood and Turknett!
A Great Service
I've never written reviews b4 but I'm compelled to take a moment to do so here. This podcast is super informative and equally inspirational. The dissemenation of the concepts and ideas shared here, I believe, is a great service to the world community, giving us tools and understanding to better understand our minds and ourselves. Thank you for doing this Josh!
Have a Listen!!
Excellent podcast by one of my favorite health educators, Josh Turknett, MD. And with the addition of Dr. Tommy Wood, this quickly becomes one of my favorite podcasts. Take some time out to listen to these two brilliant men and improve our brains!
Worth the time
There are a lot of podcasts out there. This one is worth your time and filtering out others to become a regular listener. Dr. Turknett is a natural educator. So glad I found this show.
Intriguing topics; shallow content
Listened to the mismatch episode and the optimization episode with Dr. wood. The mismatch episode was just extremely repetitive and he never gave specific information how to actually minimize mismatch(while stating everyone should experience the benefits), and ultimately seemed like a 30 minute ad for his book/services. However, in the optimization episode, Dr Wood was the only who actually gave insight on what specifics are key to brain optimization.
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What a great podcast! This one is a MUST LISTEN!
Fascinating and Inspiring.
My new favorite podcast. Consistently fascinating, and has changed the way I think. Highly recommended!
Excellent podcast
Thanks Josh. Informative, enlightening, and encouraging. There's hope for those of us with aging brains, who are also students of yours at Brainjo.
Chuck Wells
I Highly Recommend
Smart - well researched - entertaining. You will work away knowing something more about how your brain functions with every podcast.