Integrative Nurse Coaches in ACTION! Podcast

Integrative Nurse Coaches in ACTION!

Integrative Nurse Coach Academy | International Nurse Coach Association
Where Nurses, healthcare professionals and consumers hear from inspirational Nurse Coaches who are leading the way in health and wellness coaching. Listen to innovative Nurses who are shifting the paradigm of disease care to HEALTH care through the art and science of Nurse Coaching.
Choosing Hypnotic Interventions in Nursing- Christy Cowgill, BCH, RN, CRNA, MBA, CHBE, NC-BC
“We see this a lot in oncology too, where we're seeing a lot of use of hypnosis in even outpatient oncology, Nurses learning hypnotic language and using it there. Patients starting to feel more supported. Like, I knew you supported me before, but when we add that extra layer of using our communication styles with more conscious effort, our patients feel it, they draw more meaning from those experiences.” ~Christy Cowgill BCH, RN, CRNA, MBA, CHBE, NC-BCAh-Ha MomentsPlacebo and beliefs are powerful and can have reduced negative symptomologyNocebo is a negative suggestion, like side effects, headaches, nausea, weight gain etc.Elimination of or creating positive flips in language and words will support our patients more effectivelyHypnosis is a state of being conscious and focused and taking in suggestions as if they are trueAdding in positivity to neutralize the negatives helps support full healingWords are important for the meaning you understand for your healingNeuro-linguistic programming in offering feedback in the workplace with a “Feedback Sandwich”  1. Share the positive, 2. Growing need (negative), 3. End with a positiveCheck out our resources for more and listen!! Links and ResourcesIntegrative Nurse Coach Academy Nurse Certificate ProgramPodcast 22:  Hypnosis and the Power of Words with Christy CowgillAmerican Holistic Nurses AssociationHypnosis for Nurses CourseContact an INCA Admissions Specialist for your free callEnter into Calm Christy's website YouTube What every nurse should knowA pilot study of trained ICU doulas providing early psychological support to critically ill patients David Spiegel and Hypnosis Research at Stanford Milton Erickson and His contributions to Hypnosis Erickson and Margaret Erickson (related to Milton) in Nursing Space James Esdaille (1008-1859)- I know a wiki link… no internet back then. Techniques still used in modern hypnosis and Hypnobirthing®National Guild of Hypnotists***** Thank you for listening. We LOVE Nurses! Please leave us a 5 start rating and a positive comment about an episode you love! Follow Integrative Nurse Coach Academy on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn Learn more about our programs at the Integrative Nurse Coach Academy Schedule a free call with one of our awesome admissions specialists here>> and get your questions answered!
Jul 10, 2023
1 hr 5 min
How to Integrate Energy with Nurse Coaching- Sandra Rousso, MSN, RN, HWNC-BC
“And that's where we get into that fixed thinking, the black and white thinking, And I use this thing where I say, well, it's not an "or" it's an "and". It's both. It can be both. You can be happy, and you can be sad at the same time. Similar to what I was talking to you when I was with you guys when my brother passed. Well, I was really sad, however, there were moments there that were just joyful for me. It was both. We're capable, our humaneness is capable. That's wholism to me, that's experiencing the whole. And sometimes I spell holistic Nurse with a W.”  ~Sandy Rousso, MSN, RN, HWNC-BCAh-Ha's Nurses practice under their own license. We are not practicing medicine; we are practicing NursingGoing where you are called, despite what others think, will bring you great joy.  Go thereWhat is your spiritual business plan?  Have you considered this concept?“Sometimes you don’t have all the answers, you just know you need to begin”  Dr. Barbara DosseyWhen you discover your passion, and connect to it, you will inspire others to find their passionShare what you know, it will help others blossomWhen we realize we have choice, we realize we are freeYou have an inner still point, and you can find it and return to itLinks and ResourcesAmerican Holistic Nurses AssociationDr Barbara DosseyDr Andrew WeilIntegrative Nurse Coach Academy Nurse coach Certificate ProgramIntegrative Nurse Coaches in ACTION! Podcast 17- Find Your Nursing Soulmate: Barbara Dossey What is Amma Therapy?Sandyrousso.comTheory of Integral Nursing, Dr Barbara DosseyTranspersonal Nurse Coach course by the Huntington Meditation and Imagery with Richard and Bonney SchaubBooks:Creative Visualization: Use the Power of Your Imagination to Create What You Want in Your Life by Shakti GawainStaying Well with Guided Imagery by Belleruth Naparstek Don’t Bite the Hook by Pema ChodronSeat of the Soul by Gary ZukavTranspersonal Development: Cultivating the Human Resources of Peace, Wisdom, Thank you for listening. We LOVE Nurses! Please leave us a 5 start rating and a positive comment about an episode you love! Follow Integrative Nurse Coach Academy on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn Learn more about our programs at the Integrative Nurse Coach Academy Schedule a free call with one of our awesome admissions specialists here>> and get your questions answered!
Jun 26, 2023
54 min
Mindfulness Based Stillness for Nurses- Louise Bobbitt, RN, PgDipNurs
“Being fully present, allows me to get into touch with the wonders of life and the wonders of everything around. And I find that incredibly nourishing, and I find that incredibly healing. And I know, from the 10 years or more that I've been doing mindfulness, that I've become a stronger person in myself.”  ~Louise Bobbitt, RN, PgDipNursAh-HasMindfulness brings us to the present moment, not worrying about the past, or being anxious about the futureMindfulness can help with suffering, anxiety, emotions hidden away, forgiveness, how to recognize feelings and how to recognize and be with themMindfulness helps with personal honesty, instead of hiding from selfMindfulness practices lead to gratitudeMindfulness extends into personal and professional life, relationships, and decision makingLearn quick mindfulness practices to support you at work, like rapid relaxation and mini meditations and 3 minute breathing spaceResources and LinksLouise Bobbitt’s website in New Zealand:  Mind Your BodyMindfulness Based Stillness Meditation for Nurses CourseProvision 5 of the Nursing Code of EthicsIntegrative Nurse Coach Certificate ProgramNurse Coaching: Integrative Approaches for Health and Wellbeing textbook with mindfulness practice scripts***** Thank you for listening. We LOVE Nurses! Please leave us a 5 start rating and a positive comment about an episode you love! Follow Integrative Nurse Coach Academy on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn Learn more about our programs at the Integrative Nurse Coach Academy Schedule a free call with one of our awesome admissions specialists here>> and get your questions answered!
Jun 12, 2023
1 hr
Connecting Hearts with Nurse Coaching- Kim Karraker, RN, NC-BC
“We need to teach our Nurses how to find this peace within during stressful times, and it's really just breathing, it's breath work. It's getting our heart electrical rhythm under control, our heart rate variability, and in sync with our emotions which come from the mind. I know for me, in the critical care world, I definitely didn't stop to breathe during my stressful times. But learning to take a moment and work on breathing and breathing into the emotions of the heart, which are appreciation, caring, love, whatever those good emotions are, finding those and breathing into that emotion.”  ~Kim Karracker RN, NC-BCAh-HasExperiencing what it’s like to live with a chronic disease becomes a very authentic way to connect to the needs and desires of patients and clients experiencing something similarHeartMath is an easy and powerful tool to use to help clients connect to their own wisdomFood is one element of whole-body healing, and Nurse Coaches are using food to help their clients find healthAll Nurses should take Nurse Coach training to help support them in their stressful jobsNurse Coaching tools and skills will help support Nurses of all specialties prevent burnout and reduce turnoverResources and LinksHARMONY MethodHeartMathIntegrative Nurse Coach Certificate Program Info here!Kardia Healing House websiteFunctional Medicine for Nurses Specialty Course***** Thank you for listening. We LOVE Nurses! Please leave us a 5 start rating and a positive comment about an episode you love! Follow Integrative Nurse Coach Academy on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn Learn more about our programs at the Integrative Nurse Coach Academy Schedule a free call with one of our awesome admissions specialists here>> and get your questions answered!
May 29, 2023
44 min
What it’s like to be a Nurse Coach Practicum Student- Holly Blankenship, MSN, RN
What it’s like to be a Nurse Coach Practicum Student- Holly Blankenship, MSN, RN HighlightsAh-Ha's“The practicum is super cool, because I'm getting a little taste of what it's going to be like to have my business and how I want it to be. I get to be creative and provide space for people… and I get to see whole changes with them and goals being reached during it.”  ~Holly Blankenship, MSN, RNNurses can have health changes because of the stress of death, grief, suffering, the shift work, and extreme measures of caring for others over themselves.We are all connected as humans, through human, real life experiences.It’s OK to work with a therapist and make yourself the number 1 priority!Is being a ‘people pleaser’ really serving you?Whole person wellness, real foods, solid sleep and rest, acupuncture, movement, stress reduction, and caring forThere is a big difference between counseling and coaching.  Coaching helps people reflect and dig deep to create goals and plans of actionSelf-efficacy must be built, reinforced and supported in order to make changeNurse Coach Practicum is challenging, and yet, oh so cool and amazing, in personal and professional growth.Resources and LinksBarbara DosseyTheory of Integral Nursing by Barbara DosseyNurse Coaching:  Integrative Approaches for Health and Wellbeing TextbookIntegrative Nurse Coach Certificate ProgramHolly's LinkedIn***** Thank you for listening. We LOVE Nurses! Please leave us a 5 start rating and a positive comment about an episode you love! Follow Integrative Nurse Coach Academy on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn Learn more about our programs at the Integrative Nurse Coach Academy Schedule a free call with one of our awesome admissions specialists here>> and get your questions answered!
May 15, 2023
41 min
Thriving with a Nurse Coach Action Mindset-Kimberly Foster, BSN, RN, HN-BC, HWNC-BC, HMCP, Sacred Geometry Energy Healer
Thriving with a Nurse Coach Action Mindset-Kimberly Foster, BSN, RN, HN-BC, HWNC-BC, HMCP, Sacred Geometry Energy Healer Highlights“To be able to pause and say, no, this is the course of action I want to take, was a really powerful tool that I had to learn and to actually use-- the whole action mindset.” ~Kimberly Foster, BSN, RN, HN-BC, HWNC-BC, HMCP, Sacred Geometry Energy Healer HighlightsAh-HasNurses are juggling so many people, things and needs. How can you step back and create space for you within all of it?  It’s OK to do that.It’s hard to set boundaries, and you can still set boundaries!How can you share your obvious gifts with the world?Who is your influence as a Nurse and a Human?What shifts can you make to function from a state of overflow?Holistic Nursing and Nurse Coaching practices, create space for you to just beResources and LinksBarbara Dossey, Co-Founder of International Nurse Coach Association/Integrative Nurse Coach AcademyJean WatsonKimberly Foster website****** Thank you for listening. We LOVE Nurses! Please leave us a 5 start rating and a positive comment about an episode you love! Follow Integrative Nurse Coach Academy on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn Learn more about our programs at the Integrative Nurse Coach Academy Schedule a free call with one of our awesome admissions specialists here>> and get your questions answered!
May 1, 2023
42 min
Healing One Nurse at a Time- Karen Day MSN, RN, NC-BC
Ah-Has“There's so much that needs to be done, so much change that needs to happen. How will we ever do it? And then I step back and it's like, one Nurse at a time, one situation at a time, one ripple will start making that change. And then it doesn't seem so overwhelming, I think.” ~Karen Day, MSN, RN, NC-BC We can make change, one Nurse at a time, one situation at a timeOur younger Nurses are training younger Nurses as preceptors, teachers, and mentors.  Many of them don’t have lots of experience.  How can we support them with more grace, acceptance and resourcesNursing needs to create a culture shift to truly support each other without judgement.  We can do this by honoring our past, learning from it, acknowledging it and shifting towards more self-care, resources, and each otherThe pressure of perfection does not always support us and can be a pathway to burnout, and Nurses leaving the professionCreating sacred spaces, where anything goes, where anything can be said, where it is safe to share and discuss.  This is different than a route cause analysis, or a clinical debrief, however… there is potential to create a sacred space in those areas too!Acknowledge the strengths in each other.  Acknowledge that you see another Nurse struggling, and ask them how you can helpWhat can help you feel better?  Mindfulness?  Movement? Time alone?  Time with friends?  Going outside? Including Nurse Coaching in all Nursing curriculum will support Nurses better on their journey Resources and LinksBloom Where you are Planted Nurse Coach blogCode LavenderCreate a Sacred Virtual Space BlogEp24: Stop Burnout In Nursing School- Janice Lanham, MS, RN, CNEcl podcastKaren Day Wellness Integrative Nurse Coach Academy Nurse Coach Certificate ProgramIntegrative Nurse Coaches in ACTION! podcastThe Sacred Space: Using Stages of Change Model With Motivational Interviewing to Promote Patient-Centered Healing NIH article****** Thank you for listening. We LOVE Nurses! Please leave us a 5 start rating and a positive comment about an episode you love! Follow Integrative Nurse Coach Academy on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn Learn more about our programs at the Integrative Nurse Coach Academy Schedule a free call with one of our awesome admissions specialists here>> and get your questions answered!
Apr 17, 2023
46 min
Debriefing to Heal Our Nurses- Tara Ryan Kosmas, MSN, RN, NC-BC, CHSE, SOAR
Debriefing to Heal Nurses- Tara Ryan Kosmas, MSN, RN, NC-BC, CHSE, SOAR“It’s the backbone of how Debriefing the Front Lines kind of defines Nurse Coaching. We as humans are this collection of stories, and Nurse Coaching enables the client to connect with themselves through this intentional dialogue that creates meaning and acceptance in the story, during the good, the bad, and the painful parts.” ~Tara Ryan Kosmas, MSN, RN, NC-BC, CHSE, SOAR We must talk about the suffering and trauma we experience as Nurses, even if it is difficultAlone is no longer enough.  Find colleagues, organizations and people who support you, pay for debriefing and coaching if your organization does not offer itIt’s time to put yourself fist, in a loving, no-judgment wayCumulative caretaking trauma is a result of ongoing, overexposure, day in and day out, to abnormal and traumatic events, with no time for acknowledgement, discussion, processing, and recovery, that leads to emotional, physical, and spiritual suffering. Part of the trauma Nurses face as a result of COVID, was a feeling that our systems betrayed us.  For example, lack of PPE and resources, Nurses having to work at the bedside while other professions did not, drastically changing protocols without much noticePsychological first aid, peer support and debriefing can be offered by Nurse Coaches to prevent burnout and improve turnoverNurse Coaching:  Integrative Approaches for Health and Wellbeing TextbookDebriefing the Front Lines, IncIntegrative Nurse Coach Academy Integrative Nurse Coach Certificate Program ++++++ Thank you for listening. We LOVE Nurses! Please leave us a 5 start rating and a positive comment about an episode you love! Follow Integrative Nurse Coach Academy on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn Learn more about our programs at the Integrative Nurse Coach Academy Schedule a free call with one of our awesome admissions specialists here>> and get your questions answered!
Apr 3, 2023
38 min
How to Unlearn and Relearn in Nurse Coaching- Pam Melson, MSN, RN, NC
How to Unlearn and Relearn in Nurse Coaching- Pam Melson, MSN, RN, NC HighlightsAh-HasLearning, unlearning and relearning allows opportunity and possibility to unfoldYou don’t have to know it all, and it’s ok to change the way you do things at any point in your lifeNurse Coaching is a beautiful beginning for healing whatever you want to support or healAll Nursing schools should have a Nurse Coaching component in the curriculaHealers are more resilient when they acknowledge this ability within themselvesBe patient, be still, allow alignment, as it always seems to alignWe are all just walking each other homeNurse Coaching is a means to find the home that is inside youThe art and science of Nursing, plus the magic of Nurse CoachingNurse Coaching listens to what the patient wants.  It’s not that we make the goals happen, we walk beside the client to support them in all their desiresResources and LinksIntegrative Nurse Coach Academy Integrative Nurse Coach Certificate ProgramThe Guest House a poem by RumiThe Advice Trap by Michael BumbayJean Watson’s Theory of Human CaringHarmony Hill Retreat CenterEmail Pam at [email protected] a free call with an INCA Admissions here*** Thank you for listening. We LOVE Nurses! Please leave us a 5 start rating and a positive comment about an episode you love! Follow Integrative Nurse Coach Academy on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn Learn more about our programs at the Integrative Nurse Coach Academy Schedule a free call with one of our awesome admissions specialists here>> and get your questions answered!
Mar 20, 2023
44 min
Letting Go of Critical Care to Find Nurse Coaching: Nicole Vienneau MSN, RN, NC-BC
Letting Go of Critical Care to Find Nurse Coaching: Nicole Vienneau MSN, RN, NC-BC “I said, “Well, I'm a Holistic Nurse.” And I've never said that before. Because I've always been a Critical Care Nurse. But through this journey of Nurse Coaching, I have uncovered a deeper way of being a Nurse.” ~Nicole A. Vienneau MSN, RN, NC-BCAh-HasWhen Nurses come together, anything can happenMake the ask.  See the no, as a next opportunity.  You are never stuckIt’s important to know that stories and their meanings can change over time based on new learnings and understandingsWhen you shift your thought process to what could become, your choices become limitlessNurses can ebb and flow into different specialties based on their needs, desires and interestsSymbolism and meaning are important to each person’s story and a Nurse coach can learn more about their clients when they ask open-ended questions and offer silence and deep empathyWhat can happen when you let go of self-limiting beliefs and open to the possibilities?It’s ok to ask for what you want and what you needArticles and Other ResourcesBattling Burnout with Nurse Coaching Vienneau and Ervin articleIntegrative Nurse Coaches in ACTION! Podcast with Shakira FranklynIntegrative Nurse Coaches in ACTION! Podcast with Barbara Dossey- Find Your Nursing Soul MateIntegrative Nurse Coaches in ACTION! Podcast with Barbara Dossey Energy of Your BreathDr Barbara Dossey websiteBlue Monarch Health, PLLCRestoration Room, PLLCTucson Nurses Week FoundationLetters to a Future Nurse Book collaboration Nicole is the author of chapter 14:  Nurse FriendsLet Go Nurse Coach blog****** Thank you for listening. We LOVE Nurses! Please leave us a 5 start rating and a positive comment about an episode you love! Follow Integrative Nurse Coach Academy on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn Learn more about our programs at the Integrative Nurse Coach Academy Schedule a free call with one of our awesome admissions specialists here>> and get your questions answered!
Mar 6, 2023
1 hr 1 min
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