Inspire Collective Podcast Podcast

Inspire Collective Podcast

Inspire Collective Podcast
Inspire Collective delivers a unique blend of inspiration and application. Its mission is to equip change-makers with everything they need to impact and influence the lives of those around them. Our mission is to help raise up true influencers who are kingdom-focused every day of the week, not just on Sundays. Through the content we provide, we hope to equip those who want to make an impact with everything they need to influence their everyday world for Jesus Christ! Find more information visit:
Dr. Matt Hubbard: Expanding Your Capacity with Faith
Here’s another impactful Pound For Pound Leader Podcast presentation, this time featuring Dr. Matt Hubbard. Dr. Hubbard wears many hats, and being a Masterclass instructor is one of them. When not attending to his chiropractic business and engaging in speaking events, he is actively involved with Awaken Church in San Diego, CA. If you need a fresh word and impartation, this is tailor-made for you. Be prepared to receive a mind, body, and spiritual transformation. Begin with the proper mindset, frequency, and positive energy. Is there someone to speak life into you and provide full discipleship to help you achieve your unfulfilled destiny? What’s your why? You’ll discover why it’s important to maintain certainty over doubt and know it’s okay to be uncomfortable while in pursuit of your visions and dreams. For more on Awaken Church, visit: —— Stay Connected! Website: Mike Kai Instagram: Mike Kai Twitter: Mike Kai LinkedIn:
Jun 14, 2023
55 min
Tammy Hotsenpiller: Fasting for Miracles
Mike Kai has a conversation with life coach, author, and speaker, Tammy Hotenspiller, a senior pastor at Influence Church in Anaheim, CA. Listen to Tammy as she provides insight, wisdom, and revelation as she speaks about the importance of fasting. She will encourage you on how to stay strong, disciplined, and successful during your fast while believing in God to perform the miracles in your life. This podcast also speaks to spiritual fasting, which involves your body, soul, and spirit. Learn that prayer, fasting and repentance will lead you to revival! For more on Influence Church or to get your book, visit: —— Stay Connected! Website: Mike Kai Instagram: Mike Kai Twitter: Mike Kai LinkedIn: 
Apr 12, 2023
34 min
Benny Perez: Revival, Raising kids who love God, and covenantal friendships
In this episode Mike Kai talks with pastor Benny Perez of The ChurchLV, Las Vegas. They discuss the difference between revival and reformation, raising kids who love God and the church, the necessity of covenantal friendships for every leader, and much more. —— Stay Connected! Website: Mike Kai Instagram: Mike Kai Twitter: Mike Kai LinkedIn:  
Feb 10, 2023
46 min
Jedidiah Thurner: Sustaining Your Pace and Passion as a Leader
In this episode, Jedidiah Thurner returns with Mike Kai for another insightful interview. They discuss how to sustain a leader's pace and passion, and the life "hacks" that have made a difference in his life. For more on Missions.Me, visit: Are you a business owner or entrepreneur? Join the community at Inspire Collective to help grow and build each other in the business and faith community. For more information and to join Inspire Collective visit: —— Stay Connected! Website: Mike Kai Instagram: Mike Kai YouTube: LinkedIn:
Jan 10, 2023
20 min
Michael Woods: The Natural Way to Heal Heart Disease
In this episode, Michael Woods of Heartstrong Nutraceuticals shares his testimony and discovery of an all natural way to prevent and treat Heart Disease, the leading cause of death in America. He talks about enzymes that have been proven to dissolve plaques in arteries, as well as their affects on treating Alzheimer's disease. Are you a business owner or entrepreneur? Join the community at Inspire Collective to help grow and build each other in the business and faith community. For more information and to join Inspire Collective visit: —— Stay Connected! Website: Mike Kai Instagram: Mike Kai Twitter: Mike Kai LinkedIn:  YouTube:  
Dec 14, 2022
50 min
David L. Cunningham: Resilience (Special Release)
We have an incredible Episode of Mike Kai and story teller, producer of, To End All Wars, The Path to 9/11, and his newest release, The Wind and The Reckoning by, David Cunningham. In this episode, we get to hear the behind the scenes make of this monumental story of a real-life events of the outbreak of leprosy in the 19-century colonial Hawaii, where a small group of infected Native Hawaiians resistant government-mandated exile, taking a courageous stand against provisional government and a true example of keeping the faith and sticking together as an Ohana (family). For more info or ticket, visit: —— Stay Connected! Website: Mike Kai Instagram: Mike Kai Twitter: Mike Kai LinkedIn: Mike Kai YouTube:  
Nov 17, 2022
39 min
RD Saunders: Leadership
In this episode Mike Kai talks with R.D. Saunders, a seasoned leader, communicator, and the Director of Advancement for the John Maxwell Leadership Foundation and EQUIP Leadership. Together they discuss what is needed now in leadership development, some of the greatest leadership shifts that have occurred, and how to navigate these issues. Are you a business owner or entrepreneur? Join the community at Inspire Collective to help grow and build each other in the business and faith community. For more information and to join Inspire Collective visit: —— Stay Connected with Mike Kai: Website: Mike Kai Instagram: Mike Kai Twitter: Mike Kai LinkedIn:
Nov 9, 2022
28 min
Jonathan Brozozog: Creative Solutions
In this episode Mike Kai talks with Jonathan Brozozog , lead pastor of Church in Minnesota. They discuss what it’s like building a church building in the midst of a pandemic, the creative ways they are involved in the business sector, and the unique ways they are reaching people in their community. For More on Creative Church, visit:   Are you a business owner or entrepreneur? Join the community at Inspire Collective to help grow and build each other in the business and faith community. For more information and to join Inspire Collective visit:
Oct 12, 2022
29 min
Vance Roush: Generosity
Join Mike Kai as he sits down with Vance Roush to discuss his career beginning at Google, to executive pastor of Vive Church and to starting Overflow — a giving platform that allows nonprofits, churches and corporations to easily and securely accept stock crypto and cash donations. #inspirecollective #vanceroush #inspirecollectivepodcast #inspirechurch #vivechurch #overflow
Sep 13, 2022
33 min
Reevaluating Our Leadership with Joel Holm
Today, we're sitting down with Joel Holm to discuss his world travels, how the last few years have changed the mindset leaders must have to thrive today, why a sustainable pace is indispensable, and so much more!
Jul 13, 2022
32 min
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