Inside the Pastors' Study Podcast
Inside the Pastors' Study
Inside the Pastors' Study with George and Jeremy Stephens
via Podcasts
Pastor’s Study - Pastor Stephens
I am so thankful that someone put your podcast on Facebook. I immediately downloaded and listened to yesterday’s podcast and it felt like having you back in the pulpit at our church in NJ. The Lord knew best as always and you and Pastor Jeremy and your families are serving Him very well. Now with the Podcast you can continue to share with us again. God is good! All the time! Of course, I shared this with our friends and family. Looking forward to your weekly podcasts. 🙌😘
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Tanis J &P
Historical Understanding on Christanity
Pastors presenting an historical understanding on Christanity and the need for basing our understanding of who God Is based upon the Scriptures and not the ever-changing perceptions of humanity
Tupper : )