Industrial IoT Spotlight Podcast
Industrial IoT Spotlight
Erik Walenza: CEO, IoT ONE | Chair, IIC Smart Factory Task Group | Director, Startup Grind
Industrial IoT Spotlight
Erik Walenza: CEO, IoT ONE | Chair, IIC Smart Factory Task Group | Director, Startup Grind
The IIoT Spotlight Podcast shines a light on Industrial IoT solutions that are impacting businesses today. Every week, we interview an expert about IoT markets, technologies, or use cases. Our goal is to provide insight into the planning and implementation of IIoT systems, from new business models to technology architecture selection to data ownership and security. Our host, Erik Walenza, CEO of IoT ONE, has worked in China for 11 years and he is an active member of the Chinese innovation ecosystem. He is passionate about exploring the impact of digitalization in businesses, and through his position as Chair of the Technology and Innovation Committee in China he plays an active role in the exchange of best practices for innovation strategy and tech trends evolution in Asia, but also worldwide. Erik has interviewed over 100 CEOs and venture capitalists while building one of Shanghai’s largest entrepreneur networks. The IIoT Spotlight is produced by IoT ONE. IoT ONE is a specialized consultancy that researches digital landscapes and supports the development and implementation of digital transformation strategies in Asia and beyond. Don't forget to follow us on LinkedIn @iot-one or visit our website at You can contact Erik directly at [email protected].
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
± 19 days
Latest episode
4 months ago
May 28
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