In The Trenches Podcast

In The Trenches

In The Trenches is a weekly podcast series dedicated to entrepreneurial leadership, the principles and values that define and develop it, as well as actionable steps that you can take to immediately lead your team to victory!
Trust Yer Gut // In The Trenches ft. Jeff Tucker
#InTheTrenches catches up with Jeff Tucker, former owner of GSX Athletics and Director of the specialty CrossFit Gymnastics Certification to discuss leadership, principles, values, planning, staff development, and a "before, during, and after" look at "readiness and resiliency" through this crisis.
Sep 10, 2020
32 min
Educate Yourself // In The Trenches ft. Ben Zhuang
#InTheTrenches catches up with Ben Zhuang, owner of School BJJ to discuss leadership, principles, values, planning, staff development, and a "before, during, and after" look at "readiness and resiliency" through this crisis.
Sep 9, 2020
30 min
I Am Here 100% To Serve You // ft. Jeremy Thiel, CrossFit Central
#InTheTrenches catches up with Jeremy Thiel, owner of CrossFit Central to discuss leadership, principles, values, planning, staff development, and a "before, during, and after" look at "readiness and resiliency" through this crisis.*** If you enjoy the podcast, please leave a short review on Apple Podcasts/Itunes. It takes less than 60 seconds, and it helps get our message out to those who need it. We appreciate it!To watch this episode on YouTube, click HERE.For links and a full transcr...
May 29, 2020
24 min
Don't Be Afraid to Ask for Help // ft. Carl Borg, Borg Performance Training
#InTheTrenches catches up with Carl Borg, owner of Borg Performance Training to discuss leadership, principles, values, planning, staff development, and a "before, during, and after" look at "readiness and resiliency" through this crisis.*** If you enjoy the podcast, please leave a short review on Apple Podcasts/Itunes. It takes less than 60 seconds, and it helps get our message out to those who need it. We appreciate it!To watch this episode on YouTube, click HERE.For links and a full t...
May 29, 2020
21 min
It's Okay To Not Know // ft. Joe Cebulski, 8th Day Gym
#InTheTrenches catches up with Joe Cebulski, owner of 8th Day Gym to discuss leadership, principles, values, planning, staff development, and a "before, during, and after" look at "readiness and resiliency" through this crisis.*** If you enjoy the podcast, please leave a short review on Apple Podcasts/Itunes. It takes less than 60 seconds, and it helps get our message out to those who need it. We appreciate it!To watch this episode on YouTube, click HERE.For links and a full transcript o...
May 27, 2020
25 min
Jesus and Webcam Girls // ft. Jeremy Jones, Thrivestry
#InTheTrenches catches up with JJ, owner of CF Diablo and Thrivestry to discuss leadership, principles, values, planning, staff development, and a "before, during, and after" look at "readiness and resiliency" through this crisis.*** If you enjoy the podcast, please leave a short review on Apple Podcasts/Itunes. It takes less than 60 seconds, and it helps get our message out to those who need it. We appreciate it!To watch this episode on YouTube, click HERE. For links and a full transcri...
May 20, 2020
25 min
Back to Basics // ft. Doug Chapman, HyperFit USA
#InTheTrenches catches up with D-Chap, owner of HyperFit USA to discuss leadership, principles, values, planning, staff development, and a "before, during, and after" look at "readiness and resiliency" through this crisis.*** If you enjoy the podcast, please leave a short review on Apple Podcasts/Itunes. It takes less than 60 seconds, and it helps get our message out to those who need it. We appreciate it!To watch this episode on YouTube, click HERE. For links and a full transcript of the epi...
May 15, 2020
19 min
King, Warrior, Magician, Lover [#InTheTrenches ft. Nathan Holiday]
#InTheTrenches catches up with Nathan Holiday, owner and creator of the Level Method to discuss leadership, principles, values, planning, staff development, and a "before, during, and after" look at "readiness and resiliency" through this crisis.*** If you enjoy the podcast, please leave a short review on Apple Podcasts/Itunes. It takes less than 60 seconds, and it helps get our message out to those who need it. We appreciate it!To watch this episode on YouTube, click HERE. For links and a fu...
May 15, 2020
25 min
We're All In This Together [#InTheTrenches ft. Caleb Homer]
#InTheTrenches catches up with Caleb Homer, owner of NarroWay Fitness to discuss leadership, principles, values, planning, staff development, and a "before, during, and after" look at "readiness and resiliency" through this crisis.*** If you enjoy the podcast, please leave a short review on Apple Podcasts/Itunes. It takes less than 60 seconds, and it helps get our message out to those who need it. We appreciate it!To watch this episode on YouTube, click HERE. For links and a full transcript o...
Apr 24, 2020
20 min
Lead The Way [#InTheTrenches ft. Damon Dukes]
#InTheTrenches catches up with Damon Dukes, owner of the Athletic Asylum to discuss leadership, principles, values, planning, staff development, and a ""before, during, and after"" look at ""readiness and resiliency"" through this crisis.*** If you enjoy the podcast, please leave a short review on Apple Podcasts/Itunes. It takes less than 60 seconds, and it helps get our message out to those who need it. We appreciate it!To watch this episode on YouTube, click HERE. For links and a full ...
Apr 24, 2020
14 min
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