Imaginauts Presents - Lazitus
Imaginauts Presents - Lazitus
Imaginauts Presents - Lazitus
Taking place in the state of Nevada in the small town of Nirvana, Lazitus focuses on the unraveling narrative of special individuals who are tasked by fate to fight back against the oppressive world that they inhabit. Whether it's combating monsters or more human enemies, true horror lies around every corner. We use the monster of the week TTRPG which is based on the powered-by-the-apocalypse system to tell our story. The short 3 episode jaunt is supported entirely by its fantastic cast: Isabella Roberts as Mary Arthur William Chaney as Digby Gavin Humpal as Dakota Jack Mercer is played by Reilly Tanner All other characters portrayed are played by Quentin Small
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
± 37 days
Latest episode
a year ago
May 30, 2023
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