Hue.Church Podcast


Hue is short for Heaven Upon Earth. Hue church exists to realize this vision where our broken world will be fixed, once and for all. Regardless of your journey with spirituality, Hue is a place you can connect with likeminded individuals, find purpose and make an impact in the SF Bay Area, California
Raise Again In Three Days - Rev. Kevin Ford
Rev. Kevin Ford expounds on the definition on church. The answer to what is the church is found in this sermon from Rev. Kevin Ford. Jesus answered and said unto them, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.”
Jul 19, 2023
23 min
Being a faithful witness in the marketplace - Prof. Ravinder David Koilpillai
It’s an honor to have professor Ravinder David Koilpillai speak at Hue.Church, on integrating work and faith. Prof. Ravinder David Koilpillai has authored more than 100 publications on the topic of wireless technology. He spear headed some of the early mobile communication technology while working at Sony Ericsson. He was awarded Best Inventor of the Year multiple times in his career. He has authored more than 32 US patents, 11 Canadian patents and 19 European patents. Currently, he serves as Professor of Electrical Engineering at IIT Madras (previously Dean at IIT Madras) and helped start different campuses including IIT Hyderabad.
Jul 18, 2023
48 min
Free Your Mind from Anxiety #2 — Sam Perli
Attention span is on the decline over the years. "Attention is the taking possession by the mind in clear and vivid form of one out of what seems several simultaneously possible objects or trains of thought.” Of course, everyone knows what attention is. We all believe we know what attention is, but it's more complicated than that. Multi-tasking is a myth. Why is all of this a problem? After all, it’s called multitasking, thought by many to be a highly prized skill for coping with the demands of the information age. “With the exception of a few rare individuals, there is no such thing as multitasking.” “Unless one of the tasks is automatic, like chewing gum or walking, you cannot do two effortful things at the same time. Blood pressure rises. Heart rate speeds up. Psychological measures of stress also show negative outcomes, such as more fatigue, more mistakes and less productivity: “The more people multitask, the more errors they make.” So, why do we do this? Why multi-task, why get overwhelmed by so many things that are craving for our attention? Let’s read the following story of Jesus to understand why – John 2:12-17 (ESV) When it was almost time for the Jewish Passover, Jesus went up to Jerusalem. In the temple courts he found people selling cattle, sheep and doves, and others sitting at tables exchanging money. So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables. To those who sold doves he said, “Get these out of here! Stop turning my Father’s house into a market!” His disciples remembered that it is written: “Zeal for your house will consume me.” Jesus was enraged. Why was Jesus angry? Well, we must understand a few things that were happening here. Isn’t it like this with religion today friends? People come to worship and connect with God but religion makes them go in circles. Religion robs people of their money. Religion robs people of their sanity and at the end, they don’t even get to meet God. Jesus hates religion. Jesus hates this superfluous, unnecessary business going around. Does more means more happy? Not necessarily, after a little while, once the basic needs of a person are taking care of, increased personal wealth will not result in increased happiness for anyone! More doesn’t mean more happy friends, more means more anxiety. More means more worry, more means more fears! More is more anxiety!
May 23, 2023
31 min
Mother's Day — Sam Perli
God couldn’t be everywhere, so he created mothers Moms are awesome! They play many amazing roles moms play in raising up their children –More than 40 unique roles. To name a few: nurse cook doctor teacher lawyer counselor scientist nutritionist planner instagrammer organizer stylist comforter, etc., We all rely on mothers, on whom do the mothers rely on? Moms go through a sufficiency crisis. Whatever insufficiency mom's might have, I want you to know, Jesus can help. Isaiah 49:15 (ESV) Can a woman forget her nursing child, that she should have no compassion on the son of her womb? Even these may forget, yet I will not forget you. First, the passage does commend the love of a mother. God wanted an example to compare his love to and found nothing else but the love of a mother! Jesus will not forget you!
May 23, 2023
34 min
Free Your Mind from Anxiety — Sam Perli
How do you deal with anxiety? Treatment for anxiety disorders may include therapy, medication, or a combination of both. Here are some popular approaches: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Positive Psychology, Hypnotherapy, Mindfulness. Have you ever experienced Anxiety from Scarcity in your life? Scarcity of Jobs, Scarcity of Relationships, Scarcity of Children, Scarcity of Finances, Scarcity of Peace, etc., Here's the good news. Jesus shifts you from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset. God is the god of impossible. Out of impossible things, God makes possible. God created everything out of nothing. Not even the raw materials are needed for God.
May 8, 2023
35 min
Perspective Shaping #3 — Sam Perli
This episode explores the collective, Win With Perspective #3. "What to do with the right perspective?" Jesus said – “There’s nothing good except God!” That means our very definition of God comes from God! What good can come from church? Well, the very understanding of “good” has come from the Bible! From the Judeo-Christian perspective!  Skeptic -> Seeker -> Saint We have the gospel that much richer than gold. Are we going around and shouting – “Gold, Gold from Hue Church.” Friends, I invite you to come join us as we live to see heaven upon earth (hue), bringing people to the knowledge of Jesus. Would you love to have a street of gold in heaven named after you?
May 8, 2023
41 min
Perspective Shaping #2 — Sam Perli
This episode explores the collective, Win With Perspective #2. "It’s the insight that becomes the sight" One evening with Jesus was enough to change their perspective. Just one evening with Jesus is enough to change your perspective. Just one moment, one encounter with Jesus is enough to give you life and transform you complete. Just one encounter with Jesus! The word for remain there is menē. It’s the word to remain, to stay forever, to abide. It’s the same word John uses in John 15, abide in me. Jesus’ invitation for you and I. God’s Spirit is always mene with Jesus and Jesus is always mene with the Father and he is inviting you and I to menē with Him. It is a Perspective shaping event - The dove coming on Jesus. The sign gave an insight about Jesus. It points to a deeper truth.
Apr 23, 2023
39 min
Perspective Shaping — Sam Perli
We are kickstarting a brand-new teaching collective at Hue Church. And the title is “Win with Perspective.” Perspective is important because it helps us understand the world around us, make informed decisions, build relationships, navigate challenges, and grow as individuals. And not only do I want you to have a perspective but I want you to have a winning perspective, a perspective that will cause you to be fruitful and flourish! First week - What is the right perspective? Second week - How do shift your perspective? Third week (T-shirt Sunday) - What to do with the right perspective? What is the right Perspective? The right perspective is the following - It’s the insight that becomes the sight. In other words, the right perspective is an insight that you have that eventually becomes the reality not only for you but for all people. John the Baptist had a “perspective shifting event” he considered that sign and interpreted that sign as Jesus to be the Lamb of God, that is sacrificed for the sins of the whole world!
Apr 16, 2023
45 min
21 Irrefutable Proofs for the Resurrection of Jesus — Sam Perli
Extraordinary Claims Demand Extraordinary Evidence • Extraordinary Evidence Demands Extraordinary Change Pastor Sam presents twenty one irrefutable proofs for the resurrection of Jesus. "Jesus did not come to make bad people good. He came to make dead people live!" Christianity is based upon truly the most amazing event in all of human history—the resurrection Within Christianity, the resurrection is vitally important, for without it, Christianity does not exist, and our faith is useless (1 Corinthians 15:14). It was Jesus’ resurrection that changed the lives of the disciples. After Jesus was crucified, the disciples ran and hid. But when they saw the risen Lord, they knew that all Jesus had said and done proved that He was indeed God in flesh. The resurrection is proof of who Jesus is and that He did accomplish what He set out to do: provide the only means of redemption for mankind. Buddha did not rise from the dead. Muhammad did not rise from the dead. Confucius did not rise from the dead. Krishna did not rise from the dead. Only Jesus has physically risen from the dead, walked on water, claimed to be God, and raised others from the dead.
Apr 10, 2023
47 min
I’m a nobody — Sam Perli
Pastor Sam explains John 1:19-28. John’s just a nobody trying to tell everybody about a somebody that can save anybody Be okay with yourself - when the world mocks you - A nobody doesn’t think less of himself, thinks of himself less. When you realize this truth, you don’t go and pick fights with those who tell you don’t belong. You don’t start a troll war on social media. You don’t gossip. You don’t slander, You don’t behave like they behave. Because you belong to somebody that can save anybody! This is what nobodies do!
Apr 2, 2023
40 min
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