HR Famous
HR Famous
HR Famous
HR Famous
HR Famous
The HR Famous Podcast is a lively conversation dealing with the real-life craziness HR pros deal with every day! Think of this as your own HR therapy session - sharing stories, strategies, and sometimes simply venting about a career we love, but one that makes us scream at the same time. The HR Famous crew of Tim Sackett, author of the Talent Fix, Jessica Lee, VP of Talent Brand at Marriott, and Kris Dunn, author of The 9 Faces of HR, met a decade ago in the HR world and worked and grinded their way to successful careers. Along the way, they learned that HR influence is more about having a strong point of view than LinkedIn connections or Twitter followers. This pod is a safe place of conversation, laughs, arguments, and hope. So, grab a cup of coffee or a glass a wine and sit back and enjoy the real-world HR talk with a few of your peers.
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
± 13 days
Latest episode
a year ago
March 8, 2023
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