Dani Molyneux is an incredible designer, typographic artist and founder of Dotto Studio. In our conversation, she told us why it's important to design with a purpose and how to deal with your first job without losing hope.
Grab an iced latte and enjoy the story of Dani Molyneux!
Jul 20, 2021
32 min

Today's guest is one of those people who doesn't really need an introduction but I'm going to write one anyway. I'm talking about Bee Grandinetti - Brazilian director, designer, animator AND illustrator based in Stockholm. It only takes one of her animations to fall in love with her tongue in cheek style, and she's a strong promoter of equality in the industry (make sure to check the Panimation project). We had a chat with Bee and discovered where her passion for animation started and how that passion brought her to Stockholm.
Grab a big cup o tea (the interview is a bit longer this time) and enjoy our chat with Bee Grandinetti!
Jul 13, 2021
50 min

Today's guest shares the name and the skills both of a famous artist and a ninja turtle. I'm talking about Leonardo Calamati, Principal Concept Artist at Remedy Entertainment. He fell in love with concept art when he was studying at Scuola Internazionale Comics in Florence, and his new passion brought him first to London and then to Helsinki, where he worked on the award winning game called Control.
If you want to know more, grab a drink and enjoy the story of Leonardo Calamati!
Leonardo's website: alihai.artstation.com
Jul 6, 2021
38 min

Wisesnail - aka Claudia Gironi - is a very proficient portrait artist. She has a lot of devoted fans in love with her unique style and her geekiness. In our chat with her we found out how her career started and how the limited amount of tools she had to create digital illustrations helped her to craft such a distinctive style. She also shared the reason why she's obsessed with people's faces, but you'll find that out in the interview!
Without further ado, we'll leave you to our conversation with Wisesnail!
Wisesnail on IG
Jun 30, 2021
37 min

Andrés Higueros is a very talented graphic designer based in Mexico City. He's a branding, editorial and type design wizard. His story is out of this world...he managed to secure a job at Futura (one of the best design agencies in Mexico City) while he was at school!
I don't want to reveal anything though - so please enjoy Andrés Higueros's incredible adventure!
Jun 22, 2021
36 min

I always thought that Steve Simpson (illustrator/superstar) was born and raised with a pencil in his hand. During our chat I discovered that, at the beginning of his career, he wasn't sure about what his true creatives vocation was. Not only that, but he also became an illustrator almost by chance! Do you want to know more about his story? Sit back and listen to our conversation with Steve Simpson!
Jun 15, 2021
34 min

Eva Jauss is a freelance art director, tactile illustrator and set designer based in Berlin. She's also really into tactile design. When we had a chat with Eva, she gave us a crash course about tactile design and why she fell in love with analogue design in a world of digital creativity. It's time to enjoy our interview with Eva Jauss!
Jun 8, 2021
34 min

Zipeng Zhu is a New York City-based art director, designer, illustrator and animator. We fell in love with his colourful creations (make sure to check his website dazzle.studio), and we wanted to know if he was a super-skilled designer right from when he was born. Despite being busy with his mission to make everyday a razzle-dazzle musical, he chatted with us about his early life in China, his passion for manga art, and how his life changed when he discovered graphic design almost by chance.
Grab your favourite drink, relax and enjoy Zipeng's story!
Jun 1, 2021
24 min

This week's guest is Anastasia Beltyukova, an illustrator, animator director and artist. She now lives and works in London and she enjoys being part of the city's amazing creative community. But why did we say 'now'? Where was she living before? Anastasia's home country is Russia, and that's where she fell in love with graphic design. Her life changed because of a series of incredible events...but I'm not going to spoil the story!
So, without further ado, here's the story of Anastasia Beltyukova - aka Tribambuka!
Anastasia's website: tribambuka.co.uk
May 25, 2021
34 min

Sebastian Helene is a 3D designer, animator and art director based in London. We had a chat about his life in Sweden (his home country) and how he found that design was his true passion while studying social science.
You can see Sebastian's awesome 3D creations here: www.sebastianhelene.com
May 18, 2021
38 min
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