Hooked in New England Podcast

Hooked in New England

Capt. Lou Tirado & Capt. Mike Faulkingham
Chasing, Catching, and Conserving New England's Saltwater Sportfish. A podcast that combines seriously fun conversations with a wide array of saltwater fishing's favorite folks to help all of us become better anglers, better stewards of our environment, to help small businesses thrive, and to help our fish survive.
Joe Mangiafico: Cape Cod Knife maker, Saltwater Flats Guide, Conservationist
Joe Mangiafico is founder and owner of Mangiafico Knives. He's also a saltwater flats guide on Cape Cod, and in his spare time works with Science on the Fly, an organization committed to improving the water quality of America's rivers. Show Notes: https://www.mangiaficoknives.com/ IG: @joe_mangiafico for knife or guiding info. https://scienceonthefly.org/ Boker Knives Production Models of Joe's Knives: https://www.bokerusa.com/search?sSearch=mangiafico&p=1 Our podcast website: www.fishypodcast.com Mike Faulkingham Guided Fly and Light Tackle Trips: www.fishportlandmaine.com Lou Tirado's Guided Fly and Light Tackle Trips: www.diamondpassoutfitters.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Jan 31, 2023
1 hr 26 min
Impactful Angler Series: Striped Survival's Hunter Thayer, Surfcasting's Striper Savior
Hunter Thayer does lives in a part of the world known for its old boats and its rocks. Specifically, the boat is The Mayflower, and the rock is Plymouth Rock. But Hunter's interest lies more in fishing swimming around the rocks than in old dudes in weird hats with buckles carving numbers into boulders. And he cares about big fish. Big striped fish. Catching them, setting them free, and figuring out how to keep them around for a long, long time. He cares so much that he started his conservation website filled with information about how to catch them, how to release them and how to make yourself a damned good angler. On top of that, he writes for various publications, and he builds his own striper plugs. Hunter is a striped bass Renaissance Man, on a one-person quest to do all he can for our beloved fish. Get in touch with Hunter! www.stripedsurvivalinc.om On Instagram: @stripedsurvival Products we mentioned and love! GT Eels from Gravity Tackle: www.gravitytackle.com IslandX Lures - Mike loves the Hellfire 180 Floating in Sand Eel: https://islandxlures.com/ Zinger Baits on Instagram: @zinger.baits Make A Difference www.menhadendefenders.com www.stripersforever.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Oct 25, 2022
1 hr 15 min
Pete Sliwkowski... Turning Passion into Results
In this episode we sit down with our friend, Pete Sliwkoski, owner of Larry's Tackle Shop, and Fish Chappy Guide Service. I first met Pete ten years ago on East Beach during the Martha's Vineyard Striped Bass and Bluefish Derby. We instantly hit off and had mutual respect for each other's drive and passion for the fish, the island, and for life. I always look forward to sharing the beach and a beer with Pete. Pete has recently taken the lead on being the steward that Chappy needs, he is passionate about beach access and keeping it available for all to enjoy. If you have not been to the Martha's Vineyard yet, you need to, and f you have, you know how great Larry's Tackle Shop is. Thanks for listening! We know you will enjoy this one! To follow what Pete is fighting for or to check out the shop here are some useful links: Social Media https://www,facebook.com/larrystackle.shop Web Site: www.larrystackle.com MV Beachgoers Access Group Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/mvbeachgoersaccess Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Aug 15, 2022
51 min
Angling, Artistry, and Maximizing Your Area, with Joe Webster
A lot of podcasts, this one included, often get hung up on interviewing those in the "Industry" in this episode we sit down with Joe Webster. Joe is a Maine Native, who is an avid angler, world class fly tier, and artist when it comes to glass blowing. Joe is on a quest to fish 365 days in a row, and we have no doubt he will get it done. We thoroughly enjoyed our chat with Joe and we believe you will enjoy his stories and insights into all things fishing. Sit back and relax, and enjoy! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Jun 28, 2022
1 hr 4 min
A sit down with the Commissioner Pat Keliher
In this episode we were lucky enough to sit down with the Commissioner of the Maine Department of Marine Resources, and ASMFC Board Member Pat Keliher. Pat is a lifelong Mainer, who grew up on the banks of the Kennebec River in Gardiner Maine. He is a Registered Maine Guide, and licensed USCG Captain. Pat got his start guiding hunters for upland birds and sea ducks, he then transitioned to chasing trophy Striped Bass on the fly. He guided full time for nearly a decade before he moved into fisheries management, where he headed up the CCA, and then moved into the head of Maine's Atlantic Salmon division. He has been the face of DMR for ten years and says he has "some more years in him". Pat was the Executive chair for ASMFC for two years and still holds a position on the board. Pat is a humble man who is quick to give credit to staff and put the blame on himself if needed. He is truly a great ambassador for the State of Maine and for the fishing community on the east coast. If you want to see what Pat and his staff are up to check out: Maine.gov/dmr/ ASMFC.org Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Apr 27, 2022
1 hr 10 min
Plugs and Bass with a West Coast Flare
In this episode we get to sit down with the one and only, NorCalKat, Orlando Campos. OC, is an avid Striped Bass anglers, and master plug builder. He is a family man, and a conservationist. Orlando's meticulous attention to detail has him field testing plugs for months if not years before he sends them out to the public. It is this attention to detail that has widely considered one of the best builders in the country and why he has such a demand and waiting list for his plugs. Orlando has a an infectious attitude when it comes to the love for the Striped Bass. We thoroughly enjoyed getting speak with OC. His story is one you will not want to miss. @nor.cal.kat https://fishnorcalkat.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Apr 12, 2022
1 hr 5 min
Saco Bay Tackle Seminar 2022
This Saturday, April 9, 2002 please join us at the Dunegrass Country Club in Old Orchard Beach, Maine for the annual saco Bay Tackle Seminar! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Apr 8, 2022
5 min
Al Perkinson, Bajio Sunglasses, Conservationist
Every once and a while we are lucky to meet people who truly get "It". Al is one of those people. He has been an industry leader for decades, working with Costa and bringing them mainstream, and then with Simms. And while that is all well and good, Al's passion is family. Al started Bajio Sunglasses as a response to Big Business coming in and taking over. With the start of Bajio Sunglasses he has now catapulted himself and his company to the forefront of the sunglasses industry. All while doing it the right way, keeping a family atmosphere, and maintaining sustainable practices that are responsible for the Earth. www.bajiosunglasses.com @bajiosunglasses Check out the Gallo Project https://bajiosunglasses.com/collections/gear/products/rooster-tee Captain Lou Tirado @Diamond_Pass_Outfitters 207-899-5985 Captain Mike Faulkingham 207-838-7980 @fishportlandmaine Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Apr 5, 2022
42 min
A Conversation With A Quiet Pioneer - Northeast Skinny Water Legend Capt. Eric Wallace
Starting in the 90s, Maine striped bass guide Capt. Eric Wallace built and to this day maintains his rabidly loyal flats-fishing clientele the old fashioned way; by learning his waters through painstaking research, by watching fish behavior, through incredibly detailed record-keeping, and by just plain being on the water - a lot. One client fished with him to great success and told another one. That one told someone else, and that person told two more. Soon, he was guiding clients two, three, fifteen days a year. The man eats, breathes and sleeps fish. When he's not fishing, he's fighting for access to the waters he fishes. When hes not campaigning for water access, he's fly tying. When he's not fly tying, he's representing the brands that reflect his style - no frills, no flash, and all about hardcore commitment to excellence - currently those include Thomas & Thomas rods and Hatch Reels. Impressive company indeed. Wallace uses social media "because I guess I more or less have to these days." But don't look for posts from him to include pics that brag about the size or number of fish his clients have caught. Not because they don't exist. Oh they do. Any quiet evening spent with Eric, if you ask enough times, will produce pictures of monster bass caught in water so shallow it shouldn't hold anything with fins. Wallace's use of social media is used most often to show his acumen with a camera, to catch a special moment with what most would consider an "average" fish, but caught at just the perfect moment, when an appreciative angler is gently returning it to the water, or when the heartbreakingly gorgeous places he guides are just giving way to the first light of an autumn morning as a hungry bass breaks the surface in pursuit of one his secretive flies that no one - absolutely no one - will see unless they fish with him. The increasingly desperate bragging done by other guides on the 'books and the 'Grams the 'Toks seems lost on Wallace. Or maybe not lost. Maybe ignored. Probably ignored. Definitely ignored. An evening spent talking fishing with him is to understand what so many of us caught between two worlds struggle with; namely, the old world of hard-won knowledge that led to respect based on the humble pursuit of a craft for which you lived. That world was inhabited by Wallace's heroes, guys with names like "Lefty," who he guided numerous times and counted as a friend, and Steve Huff, and Flip Pallot. Compare that to the newer, flashier approach, where a few good pics of someone with an expensive boat and the right clothing "make" you a guide, and it adds up to an odd situation for Wallace. He doesn't dislike it for all the obvious reasons - like that it's fake and not based in reality, he dislikes it because Wallace comes from a time when a guide had a code, and that code dictated that a guide knew EVERYTHING he or she could know (and more) before charging a client to take him or her fishing. I'm sure I speak for Lou when I say I don't remember having spent as pleasant an evening for a long time as the one we spent with Capt. Eric, sitting in his home during this interview, surrounded by the mementos of his not-insignificant life of fishing, just discussing fishing striped bass on the flats. You couldn't do better than to try to get on his schedule this summer for a chance at a shot at a bass on the flats of Casco Bay. It's a very simple fact that no one does it better. -Mike Capt. Eric Wallace's Website www.coastalflyangler.com Phone: 207.671.4330 Instagram @coastalflyangler Facebook Coastal Fly Angler Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Mar 22, 2022
1 hr 22 min
Short Strike! Introducing the PickerelJar Fly Fishng Tournament!
Pickerel. Often looked down upon, commonly ignored. The fish that so many of us cut our teeth on when dad helped us hang our first worm under a bobber and wait patiently with our Zebco ready to reel in whatever was hungry. Pickerel is a fish for everyone. A fish that everyone has access to. A fish that doesn't require special knowledge, secret locations or access to waters 200 miles away. Will Pearce loves fly fishing for pickerel. And because it was the fish that gave him his start in fly fishing, he thought, "Why not honor this fun, accessible fish with everyone, and give it the attention it deserves?" And so the PickerelJar Fly Fishing Tournament was born! The PickerelJar Tournament is fly fishing only, virtual, and costs only $10 to enter! The prizes are outstanding, and best of all, the tourney takes place when fishing for everything else just hasn't gotten hot yet. So get in touch with Will, get signed up, and get ready to photograph some slime darts! Tight Lines, You Fishy Sons of Guns! Let's see those pickerel! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Feb 25, 2022
17 min
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