Homebrew Happy Hour
Homebrew Happy Hour
Pearl Media Network
Various faucets, Another Bottling to Kegging Q, & CO2 outside of the Fridge — HHH Ep. 013
30 minutes Posted Jun 5, 2015 at 10:55 am.
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HHH - EP13_

Hey look, it’s another new episode of the Homebrew Happy Hour!

Even though we’re only 13 episodes in thus far, we have been receiving tons of awesome feedback from you and we LOVE IT! We also love receiving all the wonderful questions you’ve submitted for the show and encourage you to keep on sending.

On this episode, we cover the differences between many of our most popular beer faucets, we cover another question regarding moving away from bottling towards kegging, and we address whether or not you should/need to keep your CO2 cylinder outside of your kegerator.

If you have a question that you’d like us to discuss on a future episode, please click on the “Submit a Question” link at the top of the page!

Let us know what you think and enjoy the show!