Holy Babble Podcast

Holy Babble

Holy Babble
Christianity is a confusing, yet a beautiful way of life. In Holy Babble we try to maneuver our way through The Scripture, Tradition and popular misconceptions, trying to better understand Catholic Church in XXI century. We discuss our love for God, everyday struggles of young christians like us and strive to meet Jesus in The Bible and modern society.
Preparing for Marriage
In this episode of Holy Babble we continue discussing relationships - this time we tackle preparation for marriage. How to ensure that you can stand at the altar knowing that you made a right decisions, and what's more, that you're ready? Listen now! Follow us on social media @holy_babble
Jul 10, 2020
40 min
Hearing God's Call (with Maria Manicone)
Support Maria on her mission: Website: https://mariamanicone9.wixsite.com/castmynet/support-me Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/castmynet/ For this episode of Holy Babble we invited our friend Maria to talk about understanding God's call in our lives. We talk how to hear God's voice in your heart, the trust and share our personal experiences. Show less
Jun 13, 2020
46 min
Sex Before Marriage
In this episode of Holy Babble we talk about our favourite catholic tabu - sex. More specifically we discuss sex before marriage and how to protect your purity. No matter if we are in a relationship or single we all struggle with temptation and sin all the same and it is time to start acknowledge our weakness and seek support not only from God, but also from one another.
May 30, 2020
46 min
What is love?
In this episode of Holy Babble Podcast we discuss the biggest mystery of the universe- LOVE. What does Catholic Church teaches about love and relationships? What is a secret to find The One?
Apr 28, 2020
33 min
Maundy Thursday - turn self-isolation into self-reflection.
In this episode of Holy Babble we try to prepare ourselves for upcoming Paschal Triduum, starting from Maundy Thursday. We take a closer look at washing of the feet, Last Supper and the Agony in the Garden. Let's use this time of social distancing to get closer to God and prepare ourselves for the Easter morning. @holy_babble
Apr 3, 2020
28 min
Lent episode - Fast and almsgiving 101
In this episode of Holy Babble we discuss art of fasting and almsgiving, how to live your lent to the fullest and why we should be joyful in the times of repentance. @holy_babble
Mar 19, 2020
39 min
Silent Prayer and Meditation.
In this episode of Holy Babble we continue our discussion about prayer, focusing on silent prayer. What is it and why every Catholic should try it? What is the difference between silent prayer and meditation? What is a mysterious interior castle and how to get there? Listen now and share your opinions with us at @holy_babble.
Feb 28, 2020
34 min
Prayer - Let's talk the basics.
It this episode of Holy Babble we decided to dip our toes in the ocean that is prayer. We loosely discuss basics of prayer, our personal approaches and experiences with prayer. Did Jesus pray? What is prayer? How can we pray? And most importantly - why? So strap in and join us on this lengthy episode as we try to better understand the art of prayer, necessary to build our relationship with God. Follow us @holy_babble
Feb 6, 2020
48 min
Chatting about Abortion.
In this episode we sit down with our friend Mary to talk about the difficult subject of abortion. We try to look at it from both Catholic and non-Catholic perspective and discuss pro-life vs. pro-choice, live action, planned parenthood and more. Who is the real victim of abortion? Child, mother or father? Listen in and let us know your opinion @holly_babble.
Jan 23, 2020
38 min
Traditional vs. Charismatic Catholicism.
From worship to miraculous healings - there are a lot of misconceptions and controversies surrounding Charismatic Renewal. In this episode we discuss pros and cons of Charismatic movement in Catholic Church and our experiences with this spirituality. So join for a chat and tell us your opinions @holy_babble (https://twitter.com/holy_babble) .
Jan 16, 2020
47 min
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