History Fix Podcast

History Fix

Shea LaFountaine
In each episode of History Fix, I discuss lesser known stories from history that you won't be able to stop thinking about. Need your history fix? You've come to the right place.Support the show at buymeacoffee.com/historyfix or Venmo @Shea-LaFountaine. Your donations make it possible for me to continue creating great episodes. Plus, I'll love you forever! Find more at historyfixpodcast.com
Ep. 68 Lost Technology: How Ancient Knowledge Has Been Erased By Time
Send us a Text Message.This episode is all about inventions, techniques, and resources that have been lost or forgotten throughout the ages. From ancient construction techniques to puzzling inventions like the Antikythera mechanism, Greek Fire, and the Archimedes Heat Ray, I'll try to unravel the mysteries of the past and get to the bottom of how advanced technology becomes lost to the ages. Sources: Listverse "10 Ancient Technologies We Cannot Recreate Today"Smithsonian Magazine "...
Jun 30, 2024
43 min
Ep. 67 Bone Wars: How Dueling Fossil Hunters Put Dinosaurs on the Map
Send us a Text Message.Join the Patreon for exclusive bonus content! Othniel Charles Marsh and Edward Drinker Cope were American paleontologists during the second half of the 19th century. Although they started as friends, they soon turned bitter enemies, competing against one another for 20 years to find and name the most fossils. This duel, often dubbed the “bone wars” led to espionage, sabotage, scandal, backstabbing, name calling, bribery, theft, and the throwing of literal rocks. It also...
Jun 23, 2024
38 min
Ep. 66 Uncivil: How Lack of Punishment for Confederate Leaders Set a Dangerous Precedent
Send us a Text Message.I recently stumbled across a photograph of Confederate president Jefferson Davis with his family. He is sitting on the porch of his Mississippi home bouncing his granddaughter on his knee while a Black woman stands behind him in a servants uniform. I was somewhat shocked to learn that this photo was taken in 1885... 20 years after the Civil War. Davis had been the president of the Confederacy. He had waged war on the United States, a war that cost the lives of 700,000 A...
Jun 16, 2024
43 min
Ep. 65 Laundry: "The Most Trying Department of Housekeeping" with Lori Davis
Send us a Text Message.This week, as promised, I welcomed special guest Lori Davis, host of Her Half of History podcast. Join Lori and me as we chat about the unknown history of laundry. Find out just what has made laundry a complete nightmare throughout pretty much all of history and why few people today are even aware of this millennia old struggle. For more, check out the Her Half of History podcast episode about laundry, "Wash on Monday" and connect with Lori on Instagram @herhalfof...
Jun 9, 2024
37 min
Ep. 64 Ranavalona I: How This Powerful Queen of Madagascar Might Be Totally Misunderstood
Send us a Text Message.Ranavalona I, Queen of Madagascar has a bad reputation, to say the least. Few biographical sources exist about her but they all make their opinions well known in the titles alone: "Ranavalona I: Reign of Terror,” “Female Caligula: Ranavalona the Mad Queen of Madagascar,” “The Terror of Queen Ranavalona I in Madagascar.” But, I see reason to question this reputation. Was Ranavalona really a bloodthirsty tyrant or was she simply a powerful woman determined to put a stop t...
Jun 2, 2024
38 min
Ep. 63 Nazca Lines: How These Magnificent Creations Became One of History's Greatest Mysteries
Send us a Text Message.Join me as I explore the Nazca lines of Peru, one of the most enduring historical mysteries. We'll talk about the Nazca people including all of the juicy details... like pooping in people's mouths? Yeah. We'll also explore some of the prevailing theories as to why the Nazca put so much effort into etching these gigantic lines, shapes, and pictures into the desert floor, everything from solar calendars to ancient aliens. Sources: worldhistory.org "Nazca Civiliz...
May 26, 2024
40 min
Mini Fix #9: How Antibiotics Ruined My Life
Send us a Text Message.PLEASE SHARE! This is the tell all story of how fluoroquinolone antibiotics led to disabling and potentially permanent side effects for my previously healthy 32 year old husband. Since taking Cipro in March of 2021, Joey has suffered from non-stop chronic pain, weakness, and joint and muscle injuries that do not heal. This particular class of antibiotics is dangerously overprescribed despite coming with an FDA black box warning that they should only be used as a l...
May 19, 2024
13 min
Ep. 62 Antibiotics: How This Accidental Discovery Changed the World Forever
Send us a Text Message.This week, I'll delve into the surprising history of antibiotics. You'll learn how penicillin was discovered by accident and how its development was helped along by a moldy cantaloupe from a Peoria, Illinois farmers market. I'll also uncover how it went on to act as a secret weapon, helping the allied forces to victory during World War II. Plus I'm going to get real personal to share the tell all story of why my husband is physically disabled and suffering from chronic ...
May 19, 2024
43 min
Ep. 61 Feral Children: How Mysterious Wild Children Dot the Pages of Our History Books
Send us a Text Message.This week I tell the stories of 9 feral children found surviving alone in the wilderness. Some even appear to have been cared for by wild animals - wolves, bears, dogs, and monkeys. Most walked on all fours, ate raw meat, and could only communicate in grunts, growls, and "wild cries." Some would never gain the ability to speak, burying their backstories in mystery to this day. Feral children have always fascinated us. Legends and myths are full of them - Romulus and Rem...
May 12, 2024
45 min
Ep. 60 Mental Health: How the Human Mind Has Been Misunderstood and Mistreated Throughout History
Send us a Text Message.Mental health has been one of the greatest mysteries throughout human history. An illness with an invisible cause, no surgery will fix it, no tonic, no bandage. Is it supernatural? Evil spirits? Demonic possession? Our lack of understanding about the human mind and stigmatization of mental health issues has led to untold horrors throughout time. And while, yes, we’ve come a long way, is it possible the journey has only just begun? Let’s fix that. Join me this week to un...
May 5, 2024
42 min
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