hey mama | the formama podcast
hey mama | the formama podcast
hey mama | the formama podcast
via Podcasts
Congratulations Hey Mama by The Formama!
Congratulations Hey Mama by The Formama. Your Podcast is one of the many podcasts out there that is very exceptional. It is very informative and very beneficial for Mothers, future mothers, and all the mothers in all forms. Hoping for more episodes.
beth oehn
So relatable and feels like I’m chatting with friends!
I couldn’t love listening to this podcast more. As a mom of 2, I can relate to Tessa and Shaina on so many levels. I love their authenticity and openness. I urge all my other mom friends to listen!!!
bridgy niel
Ugh! This podcast is just too good! Such amazing topics covered that are not talked about enough. Their guests are thoughtfully brought in and every episode I come away learning something new that I can implement into my life as a mama. Love you both!!
Christie Van
Great resource for moms!
This podcast has so many great topics for moms navigating motherhood, breastfeeding, birth and all those fun things! ❤️
Holly Stein
Mamas look no further!
I can't begin to express how grateful I am for Tessa and Shaina and this hidden gem of a podcast. As a new mom navigating the exhilarating yet often overwhelming world of motherhood, this podcast has become my go-to source of support, inspiration, and empowerment. From the moment you hit play, you're welcomed with the warm and comforting voices of Tessa and Shaina. You can feel their love, passion and sisterhood through the mic. Their genuine camaraderie and deep understanding of the joys and challenges that come with motherhood immediately put you at ease. It's like chatting with your best friends who just happen to be experts in all things birth, wellness, and motherhood. One of the standout qualities of this podcast is its diversity in content. Tessa and Shaina cover a wide range of topics, from prenatal care and birthing experiences to postpartum self-care, baby development, and everything in between. No matter where you are on your motherhood journey, you're bound to find episodes that resonate with you and provide valuable insights. What sets this podcast apart is its commitment to evidence-based information. Tessa and Shaina go the extra mile to ensure that the advice and information they share are backed by research and expert opinions. This commitment to accuracy and credibility is truly commendable and makes me trust their guidance implicitly. Beyond the informative aspect, Tessa and Shaina's podcast is incredibly empowering. They emphasize the importance of self-care and self-compassion, reminding us that being a mother doesn't mean sacrificing our own well-being. The stories and interviews they feature highlight the strength and resilience of mothers from all walks of life, leaving you feeling inspired and capable of tackling whatever challenges come your way. The production quality of the podcast is top-notch, with clear audio, engaging music, and seamless transitions between topics. It's evident that Tessa and Shaina put a lot of effort into creating a polished and enjoyable listening experience. To sum it up, the hey mama podcast is a true gift to mothers everywhere. It's a supportive community that celebrates the beauty of motherhood while equipping you with the knowledge and confidence you need to thrive. Whether you're a first-time mom or a seasoned pro, this podcast is a must-listen. I eagerly await each new episode and am forever grateful for the wisdom, positivity and friendship Tessa and Shaina bring into my motherhood journey. Thank you for creating this wonderful resource!
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These two are truly, for the mamas.
This podcast has made me laugh, cry, wonder, and dig deep. Tessa and Shaina, a dynamic duo with such a wealth of knowledge. They’re the most encouraging and feminine women, inspire me so much as I navigate my motherhood journey. They share and listen, just perfectly. Listening to the episodes is such a treat, they always leave me feeling a bit happier, a bit smarter, and a bit more confident in all things motherhood. If you’re a mama, or soon to be, this is the place for you.
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top birthing and wellness podcast!
This is the first podcast review I’ve ever taken the time to write, and that’s because these ladies are simply the best! They are funny, smart, and beautiful, and I have learned SO much already in just the few episodes they have out as of now. I cannot wait to learn more about health and wellness, holistic living, motherhood, mental health, and so much more from Tessa and Shaina. Check them out! You’ll feel like you’re having coffee or a(n adrenal) cocktail with your closest girlfriends.
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Meredith Collier
I love these ladies!
Disclaimer: Side effects may include an overwhelming surge of maternal pride, increased belief in your own superhero abilities, and an uncontrollable urge to wear a cape while grocery shopping. Embrace your powers responsibly! 😄👩‍👧‍👦💖
Inspiring. Insightful. Incredible.
Shaina and Tessa have brought light to so many important topics involving women’s health, family lifestyles, birth, and SO MUCH MORE. Their dynamic is fun and easy to listen to and feel as if you’re there in the conversation with them. They ask all the questions you as the listener are wondering, and they do a wonderful job allowing their guests to speak and share their stories. They’ve welcomed guests with such a wide variety of knowledge, information, and experience which is appealing to a wide variety of listeners. Just through listening, they have made me feel empowered, confident, and capable as a first time mama. I look forward to their podcasts each week and always find myself learning something new. Thank you both for all that you do!💛
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Kenny & Char
Such Valuable Wisdom
So great to hear Shanna and Tessa speak about such important topics. It’s like listening to wise women in a village and getting a warm hug every episode 💜
Such a good show!
First time listener! Such wise information! :)